The Parables of the Secrets of Heaven
Main reference: Mt 13 (Ps 78:1-4, Mk 4:10-13, Jn 16:25)
Among the old secrets, that is, the secrets of heaven hidden since the creation of the world, what are the parable of the two kinds of seeds and harvest?
God promised that he will speak things from of old with a parable to the next generation (Ps 78:2). After one thousand years, God came to Jesus, and he accomplished the things promised in Psalm. Thus, things from of old was told with a parable (Mt 13:34-35).
Jesus who spoke in parables said this parable was the secret of heaven.
This secret of heaven has been hidden since the creation of the world until today.
Also, Jesus said there are those who must know the secret of heaven and those who must not know it (Mt 13:10-15). People who must know it are those belonging to God, and people who must not know it are those belong to the devil. Also, he said those who can’t perceive the parables are outsiders, and they can’t receive atonement for their sins (Mk 4:11-12). The difference between people who have perceived the parables of the secrets of heaven and those who haven't perceived it is the difference between God and the devil. It is the difference between people who have received atonement for their sins and people who haven't. Also, it is similar to the difference between humans and animals.
If so, mustn't people know the parables of the secrets of heaven? The secrets of heaven in the New Testament are written in parables. We must ask ourselves on how much we know about these parables. If you truly believe in Jesus and his word, you must judge yourself whether you are an outsider or you belong to God. Also, you must determine whether you have received atonement for your sins or not.
Despite the fact that you don’t know about the parables and its results, you think you are holy, saying, ‘Keep away; don’t come near me, for I am too sacred for you!’(Is 65:5). At least there is the limit of wrongdoer's audacity(賊反荷杖). How dare you call other people 'heresy'?
In Mt 13, Jesus spoke about the parables of the two kinds of seed and harvest. Jesus accomplished what God promised through the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 31:22, 27, 31). That is, Jesus sowed the good seed (word of God, Lk 8:11) in his field (the church of Jesus), while the devil also sowed his seed (word of the devil, untruth). And, Jesus promised there will be a time of harvest (Mt 13:24-30). The time of harvest is the end of the world (end of the Christianity world). At that time, Jesus harvests the grain-like believers, takes them to the Mt. Zion (Rv 14:1-5), seals them with the word of revelation, and creates new nation of God, the twelve tribes (Rv 7, 14).
Jesus, who told the secrets of heaven with parables and figurative language, left. The words Jesus spoke before he left are written in John 14, 15 and 16. Jesus said, ‘Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father (secret of heaven)’. Since then, two thousand years has passed.
Today, in Shinchonji Church of Jesus, you can find the promised pastor whom the Holy Spirit is with. This pastor doesn't speak in parables but teaches the true meaning of the parables and reveals the actual fulfillment (actual entities) according to the promise. Jesus spoke (prophecy) the secrets in parables at the First Coming. Today, Shinchonji is testifying the actual fulfillments after fulfilling the prophecies, and this is the actual entity of the secret of heaven.
What we must see, hear, and believe is the prophecy and its fulfillment. Among the two, fulfillment (actual fulfillment) is the most important. Because people believed the prophecies (parable), they could believe the actual fulfillment that fulfilled it. Prophecies can be told in parables, but the actual fulfillment can not. For example, a pastor came but you can't say a dog came (reference: a pastor is figuratively referred to as a dog in the Bible).
However, let’s think about today’s problem. According to the promise of Jesus, Shinchonj has explained the parables and revealed the actual fulfillment plainly. Also, since Shinchonji received the word at no cost, we give the water of life (word of the life) at no cost. Regarding this, the existing churches persecute us as heresy because we teach the Bible at no cost, and they criticize us because we explain the parables and teach the actual fulfillment. Which one is the man who does according to the word of Jesus? Out of the two, which is the one who believes in the word of Jesus and who doesn’t believe in it? Which one belongs to God and which belongs to the devil? And
① Is the prophecy that will speak in parables (PS 78:1-4) important?
② Is the prophecy that spoke in parables (Mt 13:34-35) important?
③ Is explaining the parables and showing the actual fulfillment (Jn 16:25) important?
Isn't the purpose of a life of faith seeing the actual fulfillment ③and believing in it?
You must believe all these three things; however, the actual fulfillment is most important. As it is time, don’t be one who pretends to be a believer on the outside. Don’t believe your pastor and your church. Above all, you must seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, believe in God and his word, become the man who does according to the will of God, and be the people of heaven who are born again. Now, we conclude the actual fulfillment of the parable of the two kinds of seed and the secret of heaven. The two kinds of seed are spiritual seed. They are the seed of God and the seed of the devil. The seed of God is the word of God. The seed of the devil is the word of the devil. The man who is born of the seed of God is the son of God, the man who is born of the seed of the devil is the son of the devil (Mt 13:38). These two kinds of people grow together in one field (church). However, at the time of harvest, they are divided into the son of God and the son of the devil. They are divided into heaven and hell. This is the secret of heaven that will be accomplished. Among these parables of the secrets of heaven, there are three secrets of Revelation. The actual entities of these secrets are the seven stars and the seven lamps, seven-headed and ten-horned animal in Revelation, and the last seventh trumpet sound. These are the secrets of betrayal, destruction and salvation (refer to 2 Thes 2:1-4). The purpose of these secrets(parables) is to create the promised nation, twelve tribes which are written in the book of life by harvesting and sealing.
This is the time of harvest and the Second Coming of Jesus. Today, we hope and pray that you perceive the parables of the secrets of heaven, realize the three secrets of Revelation especially, be harvested to the place of salvation, Mt. Zion, become the people of heaven and attain salvation.
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