The Fulfillment of the New Testament
Main reference: Rv 21:6
When is the New Testament fulfilled? The Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of the first coming of Jesus (Jn 19:30). Jesus established the new covenant (the New Testament) and has preached the good news of heaven to the whole world through his disciples for 2,000 years (Mt 24:14, Ac 1:8).
The New Testament is completely fulfilled at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation as Jesus promised at the first coming (Rv 21:6). The logical order of God’s work is this (betrayal → destruction → salvation). First, the seven messengers (seven stars) of the seven lamps who prepare the way appear, Satan’s pastor, the Nicolaitans also appear there. The congregation members who belong to the tabernacle that prepared the way commit adultery by practicing the teachings of the Nicolaitans (betrayal) and are destroyed (Rv 2-3, 13). At this time, Jesus chooses one pastor and commands him to send letters to the seven messengers (seven stars) who prepare the way. In the letters he asks them to repent and to fight against and overcome the invading Nicolaitans. The work of salvation begins with the letters.
But since they fail to repent Jesus opens the scroll sealed with seven seals and judges the seven messengers, the chosen people, that is, the sun, moon, and stars. With this event, the work of the previous generation (spiritual Israel, the Christian world) that spanned over 2,000 years ends and the chosen people are expelled from heaven (the tabernacle of the chosen people). They hide in gentiles’ caves, lose their lives a third at a time, and are killed.
The work of harvest and sealing begins when the seventh trumpet is being blown and these events are being preached. The number of those who are sealed is 144,000. After that, a great multitude who wash their robes and are clothed in white in the blood of Jesus come out of their churches. They are the priests and the people of the twelve tribes, the promised nation. These twelve tribes are Shinchonji Church of Jesus that is promised in the New Testament (Rv 21:1-7) and also the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Rv 15:5).
God’s newly created kingdom is established according to the blueprint shown as the throne room of Heaven in Rev 4. The Holy City, the new Jerusalem (the heaven of the spiritual world) in Rev 21, and the twelve tribes in Rev 7 and 14 are established. This is created as a copy of what was seen in heaven like at the time of Moses (Ex 25), and the time of the first coming of Jesus (Jn 5).
The congregation members who want to know what has been created, come to Shinchonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony and check that it is based on the Bible. Can things that are created according to God’s will and the Bible be wrong? The time of the second coming is similar to the first coming. There was no salvation for those who didn’t believe in Jesus at the first coming (refer to Jn 1:9-13, Ro 10:9-10) and also for those who did not receive the revelation through Jesus and did not know the only true God and Jesus, whom God sent (refer to Mt 11:27, Jn 17:3). In the same way, today, those who do not believe the promised pastor, the other Counselor, do not attain salvation. There can be no salvation for those who do not receive the revelation through the promised pastor, the one who overcomes, since they do not know truly know Jesus or the messenger (pastor) whom Jesus sent.
If today’s greedy pastors had known about the will of the New Testament and the promised pastor, they might have tried hard to receive important titles, authority, or wanted to be chief of one of the tribes. At the time of the fulfillment Jesus came like wind and fulfilled the prophecy like wind.
Blind pastors! Do you know the New Testament? Those who don’t believe it put themselves into the fire of hell. They will know that the word which Jesus spoke will condemn them according to their actions (Jn 12:46, Rev 20:13). Today, although they know that Shinchonji is true, they refuse to lay down their titles, instead they want to have possession of vineyards (churches)
(refer to Lk 20:9-16). They should know that God’s authority is greater than any other ecclesiastical authority and authorities of the world and they should be afraid of the Lord who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Mt 10:28).
At the first coming Jesus fulfilled what was promised in the Old Testament. Then why didn’t the Jewish people believe it? Why did they kill Jesus? It was because they wanted to have possession of the owner’s vineyard which was their workplace and their belonging. Today, too, they are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. (refer to Mt 23:27).
In the New Testament, there is nothing which will be fulfilled other than what has been fulfilled in Shinchonji. What kinds of gods reign over people, who don’t want to discuss about the Bible, believe what was fulfilled, and converse with us? The reason why they do not respond to us is because they are afraid that their situations and faults will be exposed.
Those who are with the holy spirit do not act like that. They can attain salvation by repenting of their faults in a modest way, coming to the promised place, Shinchonji, and being born again.
We at Shinchonji pray for you according to the Lord’s will. Amen.

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