Man Hee Lee is the Chairman of Shinchonji. He in on his 5th mission tour to let the world know what has fulfilled in the New Testament.
Also he has met the presidents, congressmen and prime ministers of several countries to suggest world peace through the unification of the Religions.
Shinchonji is the only place where every piece of it has done according to the Bible.
The world needs Shinchonji and Man Hee Lee.
Man Hee lee is the only one who saw and heard of the event of the Book of Revelation. He is the one Jesus sent to us to testify.
Is it hard to believe? I understand. That is why I urge you to examine Shinchonji through the Bible study and judge if it is really true.
The One Who Overcomes in the New
Testament and the Promised Blessing
Main reference: Rv 2, 3, 12, 15, 21
Because the pastor of God fought and defeated the pastor of the devil, the kingdom of God and salvation have come (Rv 12:7-11). Jesus at the First Coming said he has overcome the world (Jn 16:33). In Revelation, because Jesus overcame, he could open the seven seals of the sealed book and lay it open (Rv 5). In Rev 6:1-2, it is written that he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. In Rev 12, the spiritual world and the physical world make war at the same time, and the victory goes to the heavenly angels. And, the weapon to fight and defeat them is the blood of Jesus and the testimony.
The war in the New Testament is a mutual conflict for ecclesiastical authority. It is a conflict of their testimonies (truth and untruth). The two organizations (army) that are war are the pastor belonging to God and the pastor belonging to the devil. The evidence of the one who overcomes and the one who is defeated is this, the one who is defeated flees in seven directions and the one who overcomes becomes Israel (refer to Gn 32:28), creates the twelve tribes and receives all the blessings of God (Dt 28). The blessings that Jesus promised to give to the one who overcomes are written in Rev 2, 3. I will tell you some of the many blessings. They are the 'fruit of the tree of life’ which is food for eternal life, ‘hidden manna’, ‘white stone’ which is the power to judge , ‘iron scepter’ which is the authority over the nations, ‘being written the name of God and the name of the city of God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from God, and new name of Jesus’, and ‘sitting with Jesus on his throne’. Also, it is becoming the son of God who will inherit all the promised things (Rv 21:7).
The one who overcomes, chosen by heaven, takes the revelation of the open book coming from heaven, delivers it, sees all the events of Revelation and testifies it (Rv 1:1-3). In other words, by overcoming, he receives the word, sees all events of the chapters and testifies it. This is not a prophecy but testifying the actual fulfillment of the prophecies that he has seen and heard and testifies it by command. Except for the one who overcomes, there is no one that has received anything or no one that knows. People in darkness only know the teachings of man. However, it is clear that people who add and take away anything from the events of Revelation will not go to heaven and attain salvation (Rv 22:18-19). You should ask yourself whether you have added or taken away from the Bible.
The one who overcomes, the promised pastor is at Shinchonji today, and he testifies all the events of the chapters of Revelation by seeing and hearing. There is only one who can properly testify the events of Revelation. In this world there are seven billion people, and amongst them there are many believers. If there is anyone who has seen and heard about Revelation and can testify the actual fulfillments (actual entities), come out. Let’s talk about the actual entities to see who is true and whose testimony is right.
Until now, we have publicly proposed an open debate to the churches belonging to the Christian Council of Korea several times, but they didn't accept.
We, Shinchonji have overcome the world and the devil with the truth. There was no one who accepted the open debate. If you are believers who truly want the truth and want to go heaven, and if you are those who believe in the word of God rather than the word of your pastor, you will find the truth and the one who overcomes.
If you are held captive in thoughts from being tainted with lies and being born of the seed of lies, you can not escape from there. What kinds of lies are you bound by? Whether it was in the old days or today, people are bound by the lies of 'heresy’, and speak lies together after receiving the seed of lies. The pastors are at a loss, afraid their people might know the truth. So, they bind their people with a string of lies saying, ‘Don’t go to the place where they study the Bible. It is a heresy’ (refer to Mt 13:24-30). Those who persecute are all ignorant of the Bible and do not have the Holy Spirit. They return to flesh, loving money and considering the church as their business. And, they are frantic to gain authority and power. However, we, Shinchonji run a free mission center and give the truth at no cost as Jesus did (Mt 10:8, Rv 22:17).
Like in Rv 13, 17 and 18, the congregation members at the end times will be captured by Babylon which is the nation of the demon. Through their pastors, they hear the doctrine of Babylon (commentary: false doctrine) and by believing it, become a member of the family of the demon, Babylon, that is, become the nation and people of Satan. The other advocate spirit who comes to Shinchonji goes into the chosen pastor and becomes one with him (Jn 14:16-17, 26). And, he calls and takes out the people who are captured in Babylon (Rv 17:14, 18:4). The congregation members who believe the word of the advocate sent by Jesus overcome the doctrine of Babylon that are commentaries (lies) with the given word of revelation. And they come out from the place (Bablyon) following the word. The place you will reach after coming out of Babylon is Mt. Zion (refer to Zec 2:7, Is 60:14-16).
This is harvest. The congregation members of Shinchonji are those who have been harvested and have come out from Babylon. We are people who have overcome(Rv 12)) the false doctrines of Babylon with the truth. People who have been victorious over the beast, its image and over the number of its name(Rv 13, 16) stand beside the sea in front of the throne of God, and learn the song of Moses and Jesus, that is, the word of the Old and New Testament and being sealed (Rv 15:2-4). God makes them into bowls, that is, the bowls which are filled with the wrath of God, and God pours it onto the betrayer and beast (false pastor that is the destroyer) in Rv 16. Because they were overcome with the truth, God judges Babylon, the nation of Satan.
The sound of victory is heard throughout the castle. Come.
In front of Shinchonji, Protestantism is a lamp without oil. Like how the law was a guardian that lead to Jesus of the First Coming, the prophecy spoken in parable at the First Coming is a guardian that will lead to Jesus of the Second Coming. By the coming of the faith of revelation, we are no longer under the law again but in Jesus (Jn 14:20).
This is Shinchonji Church of Jesus (‘Shinchonji’ in short) where the one who overcomes is. We, Shinchonji are the faithful city, the beautiful Shinchonji. We overcame the world with the truth. Even a child from Shinchonji can overcome the professors of theology and the pastors of the world with the truth. This is because it is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Except for Shinchonji, which is victorious and has the word of revelation, there is no promised pastor, no place to receive salvation and no heaven (refer to Rv 3:12). Therefore, today, where the pastor of the devil, the arch-enemy, was fought and defeated, the nation of God and salvation begins (Rv 12:7-11). People who find this place will be guided by the Holy Spirit. And, they will be guided to heaven that will live forever.

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I am so grateful for his effort on world peace. I agree that his world needs him!
ReplyDeleteMan hee lee is great peace leader!
ReplyDeleteCome true world peace from shinchonji ! !
ReplyDeletePresident General Lee Man-hee's work for peace in the world you're playing applaud.