The truth about Shinchonji is to know who overcomes in this age.
You have heard of the name Man Hee Lee and might wonder who he is.
Man Hee Lee is the chairman on Shinchonji.
He is the one who overcomes in the New Testament.

Jacob wrestled with an angel and he was named Israel because he have struggled with God and have overcome.
(Geneses 32:22~28)
At the first coming of Jesus, he overcame the world.(John 16:33)
Jesus was the one who overcomes, too.
Today, Man Hee Lee also overcame the Nicolaitanes and received the the blessings written in the Revelation 2,3.
That is the truth about the one who overcomes.
Because he overcame Satan, he could establish the 12 tribes according to the Bible.
You must listen to the words of Shinchonji.
Listening and following the words of the one who overcomes is the way to God and Jesus.

Please check yourself and examine the Shinchonji. We need your judgement.
The Comparison between
The First Coming &
The Second Coming of Jesus
Main reference: 2 Thes 2:1-12
What are the differences between the times of the first and second coming of Jesus? The beginning and the flow are the same when you see it through the eyes of the Bible.
Due to the sin of betrayal after being deceived by the serpent, Adam’s world ended when Noah appeared. The world of Noah, thus his descendant the Canaan nation betrayed by uniting with the gentile gods and their world came to an end as Moses appeared. Due to Solomon’s betrayal, the physical Israel, which is the world of Moses and descendant of Abraham, came to an end as Jesus appeared. Furthermore, due to the betrayal of Jesus’ spiritual Israel, they ended when the one who overcomes appears at the time of the Second Coming. The emergence of this new generation, after one generation of the New Testament comes to an end, is same as the time of the First Coming of Jesus (Refer to 2Thes 2:1-12). The people of the first generation (first heaven) were not aware of the fact that they had broken the covenant, become corrupted, betrayed and became the gentile. As a result, they did not realize that the new generation (new heaven) had already begun. This has been the same from the time of Adam until today, which is the time of Revelation of the New Testament.
The prophecy regarding the appearance of the messenger who prepares the way and the messenger of the covenant at the times of the First and Second Coming of Jesus is written in the book of Malachi of the Old Testament (Mal 3:1). The messenger who prepared the way and the messenger of the covenant were physically fulfilled through John the Baptist and Jesus respectively (Mt 3, Jn 1:6-15, 5:35-39). In the New Testament, the messenger who prepared the way in Revelation chapter 1 (Rv 1:20) and the messenger of the covenant (The one who overcomes in Rv 2 & 3) were physically fulfilled through ‘Mr. Yoo’ of the seven stars and the Counselor, ‘Lee (the light)’ (Lee’s first name ‘Man-Hee’ means ‘light’).
Jesus came in the name of God at the time of his First Coming (Jn 5:43) and Lee (the light) came in the name of Jesus (Jn 14:26, 16:13-15). Jesus was the counselor whom God sent (1Jn 2:1, the one who speaks on behalf: the advocate) and Lee (the light) is the messenger who speaks on behalf of Jesus (the counselor in flesh) whom another counselor, the Spirit of Truth is with, which God sent at the request of Jesus (Jn 14:16-17, Rv 22:16). Jesus came as the light (Jn 12:46) and Lee (the light) was born as the light and also came as the light after receiving the light (Rv 1:2, Jn 8:12).
John the Baptist, who was the messenger that prepared the way at the time of Jesus’ First Coming, went into the desert (Mt 23:02, Jn 10) after the temple and the congregation members were taken over by the Pharisees (Mt 23:33) and the kingdom of heaven was forcefully advanced (Mt 11:12).Similarly today, the messenger who prepared the way fled to the desert, leaving the temple and his flock of sheep after the beast of Babylon invaded heaven (Rv 13). Just as Jesus fought and overcame the false pastors of the world (Jn 16:33), Lee (the light) has fought and overcame the beast, the false pastor of the world (Rv 12).
Jesus received the revelation of the sealed book of the Old Testament and proclaimed it (Is 29:9-14, Hb 2:2-3, Ez 1, 2, 3, Mt 11:27) and Lee (the light) received the revelation of the sealed book of the New Testament and has proclaimed it today (Rv 5, Rv 10, Rv 1:1-3).
The Pharisees, the priests of that time killed Jesus (Mt 27), and the beast, the false pastor killed Lee (the light) (Rv 11). Both Jesus and Lee (the light) came back to life.
God the Father was with Jesus (Jn 14) and Jesus is with Lee (the light) (Rv 19). Jesus, who fulfilled the Old Testament, promised the New Testament (Lk 22:20) and Lee (the light) proclaimed about the world of the Millennium and the judgment that will take place after one thousand years (Rv 20).
Jesus proclaimed the word of the fulfillment of the Old Testament (the revealed word) and sowed the seed of the gospel of the kingdom and Lee (the light) testifies about the fulfillment of the New Testament and fulfills the work of harvesting, sealing and establishment of the 12 tribes of God’s new kingdom.
Jesus delivered the word of God the Father and Lee (the light) delivers the word of Jesus (Jn 14:24, Jn 16:14-15).
As described above, Jesus’ First Coming and Second Coming were carried out in the same manner. Then how are they different?
Jesus sowed the seed of the secret of the kingdom of heaven, but Lee (the light) harvested and sealed. Jesus was buried in the tomb, but Lee (the light) was not buried. Jesus lived again after three days, but Lee (the light) lived again after three and a half days. Jesus preached the revelation of the sealed book of the Old Testament and Lee (the light) is preaching the revelation of the sealed book of the New Testament.
The messenger who prepared the way, John the Baptist, was the lamp that burned and gave light at the time of Jesus’ First Coming and the messenger who prepares the way in the New Testament at the time of Revelation is the lampstand (lamp).
Jesus had the 12 disciples and sowed the gospel of the kingdom throughout the whole world. Lee (the light) harvested and sealed through the 12 disciples (the leaders of the 12 tribes) and created the 144,000, the kingdom of priests and the great multitudes dressed in white and established God’s new kingdom and new temple.
Jesus spoke about the secret of the kingdom of heaven in parables and figurative language and Lee (the light) testified their physical fulfillment (fulfilled entities).
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the land of physical Israel and Lee (the light) was born in Cheongdo, the land of spiritual Israel.
Jesus was born from a woman of physical Israel (Mt 1) and Lee (the light) was born from a woman of spiritual Israel (Rv 12).
Just as the priests persecuted Jesus, calling him a heretic at the time of the First Coming, Lee (the light) received persecution from the pastors of the world who also called him a heretic.
God sent Jesus to the rebellious people of Israel, so Jesus preached the gospel only to the physical Israel (Mt 15:24). Lee (the light) preaches the revealed word, the eternal gospel to the whole world. This is because the whole world became part of the spiritual Israel as Jesus’ gospel has been preached to the whole world (Mt 24:14, Rv 10, Rv 14:6).
Due to the lack of technology on the earth at the time of Jesus’ First Coming 2,000 years ago, the gospel could only be spread verbally whereas, (the light) is able to proclaim the gospel to the whole world instantly because of the development of technology.
Jesus testified the revealed words of the Old Testament’s fulfillment and prophesied using figurative language. Although he had much more to say to the people, he could not say everything because the people had a low level of understanding at that time (Mt 11:27, Mt 13:34-35, Jn 16:12). It is written that the Spirit of Truth and the messenger who speaks on behalf of Jesus who is Lee (the light) will come and speak plainly about everything (Jn 16:25), thus testifies about the greater testimony of revelation, which is the fulfillment of the New Testament.
God’s 6,000 years of work and the scenario which He prophesized comes to an end when all the work and everything God has purposed is fulfilled as recorded in the New Testament’s book of Revelation. The purpose of God is to gather the people who are born of God’s seed and create God’s new kingdom on this earth, so that He can come down and live together with His creation. This purpose began in the Old Testament (prophecy) and it is completed through Jesus’ First Coming and the Second coming.
Saints, who have hope in the kingdom of heaven and carry out their life of faith based on the Bible, must seek the place of fulfillment according to the promise of the New Testament prophecies. Saints must check the prophecies of the Bible and believe them in order to obtain the promised hope (Jn 14:29).
The prayer of the promised kingdom of God, Shinchonji (New Heaven New Earth), is that all the people on this earth will understand the fulfillment of the New Testament and believe, so that all people can attain salvation.
In order to obtain salvation, one must know about ‘God’s will, the prophecies and their fulfillment and the salvation of faith.’
· God’s will, the prophecy and their fulfillment and the salvation of faith
The promised word of God was recorded through the blood of many prophets to save us. This is the Bible. We must understand and believe the Bible with sincere and grateful hearts and act according to the Bible.
In order to believe and act according to the Bible, people must be harvested (Mt 13).
People must be sealed and belong to the 12 tribes (Rv 7).
People must not add or take words away from the book of Revelation (Rv 22:18-19).
People must listen to the messenger whom Jesus sent for the churches and must listen and believe the word from the one who received the revealed words from heaven (Rv 22:16, Rv 10, Rv 1:1-3).
People must strive to belong to the New Heaven and New Earth (Rv 21:1) thus Shinchonji.
Those who do are the true believers and they are acting in accordance to God’s will.
On the day of judgment, saints will be judged according to what they have done as recorded in the book as written in Rv 20:12 and Jn 12:48.
Please visit www.scjbible.tv www.scjschool.com www.shinchonji.org
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