
[SHINCHONJI] The Parables of the Secrets of Heaven.


The Parables of the Secrets of Heaven
Main reference: Mt 13 (Ps 78:1-4, Mk 4:10-13, Jn 16:25)
 Among the old secrets, that is, the secrets of heaven hidden since the creation of the world, what are the parable of the two kinds of seeds and harvest?
God promised that he will speak things from of old with a parable to the next generation (Ps 78:2). After one thousand years, God came to Jesus, and he accomplished the things promised in Psalm. Thus, things from of old was told with a parable (Mt 13:34-35).
Jesus who spoke in parables said this parable was the secret of heaven.
This secret of heaven has been hidden since the creation of the world until today.
Also, Jesus said there are those who must know the secret of heaven and those who must not know it (Mt 13:10-15). People who must know it are those belonging to God, and people who must not know it are those belong to the devil. Also, he said those who can’t perceive the parables are outsiders, and they can’t receive atonement for their sins (Mk 4:11-12). The difference between people who have perceived the parables of the secrets of heaven and those who haven't perceived it is the difference between God and the devil. It is the difference between people who have received atonement for their sins and people who haven't. Also, it is similar to the difference between humans and animals.
If so, mustn't people know the parables of the secrets of heaven? The secrets of heaven in the New Testament are written in parables. We must ask ourselves on how much we know about these parables. If you truly believe in Jesus and his word, you must judge yourself whether you are an outsider or you belong to God. Also, you must determine whether you have received atonement for your sins or not.
Despite the fact that you don’t know about the parables and its results, you think you are holy, saying, ‘Keep away; don’t come near me, for I am too sacred for you!’(Is 65:5).  At least there is the limit of wrongdoer's audacity(賊反荷杖). How dare you call other people 'heresy'? 
In Mt 13, Jesus spoke about the parables of the two kinds of seed and harvest. Jesus accomplished what God promised through the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 31:22, 27, 31). That is, Jesus sowed the good seed (word of God, Lk 8:11) in his field (the church of Jesus), while the devil also sowed his seed (word of the devil, untruth). And, Jesus promised there will be a time of harvest (Mt 13:24-30). The time of harvest is the end of the world (end of the Christianity world). At that time, Jesus harvests the grain-like believers, takes them to the Mt. Zion (Rv 14:1-5), seals them with the word of revelation, and creates new nation of God, the twelve tribes (Rv 7, 14).
Jesus, who told the secrets of heaven with parables and figurative language, left. The words Jesus spoke before he left are written in John 14, 15 and 16. Jesus said, ‘Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father (secret of heaven)’. Since then, two thousand years has passed.
Today, in Shinchonji Church of Jesus, you can find the promised pastor whom the Holy Spirit is with. This pastor doesn't speak in parables but teaches the true meaning of the parables and reveals the actual fulfillment (actual entities) according to the promise. Jesus spoke (prophecy) the secrets in parables at the First Coming. Today, Shinchonji is testifying the actual fulfillments after fulfilling the prophecies, and this is the actual entity of the secret of heaven.   
What we must see, hear, and believe is the prophecy and its fulfillment. Among the two, fulfillment (actual fulfillment) is the most important. Because people believed the prophecies (parable), they could believe the actual fulfillment that fulfilled it. Prophecies can be told in parables, but the actual fulfillment can not. For example, a pastor came but you can't say a dog came (reference: a pastor is figuratively referred to as a dog in the Bible).
However, let’s think about today’s problem. According to the promise of Jesus, Shinchonj has explained the parables and revealed the actual fulfillment plainly. Also, since Shinchonji received the word at no cost, we give the water of life (word of the life) at no cost. Regarding this, the existing churches persecute us as heresy because we teach the Bible at no cost, and they criticize us because we explain the parables and teach the actual fulfillment. Which one is the man who does according to the word of Jesus? Out of the two, which is the one who believes in the word of Jesus and who doesn’t believe in it? Which one belongs to God and which belongs to the devil? And
① Is the prophecy that will speak in parables (PS 78:1-4) important?
② Is the prophecy that spoke in parables (Mt 13:34-35) important?
③ Is explaining the parables and showing the actual fulfillment (Jn 16:25) important?
Isn't the purpose of a life of faith seeing the actual fulfillment ③and believing in it?
You must believe all these three things; however, the actual fulfillment is most important. As it is time, don’t be one who pretends to be a believer on the outside. Don’t believe your pastor and your church. Above all, you must seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, believe in God and his word, become the man who does according to the will of God, and be the people of heaven who are born again. Now, we conclude the actual fulfillment of the parable of the two kinds of seed and the secret of heaven. The two kinds of seed are spiritual seed. They are the seed of God and the seed of the devil. The seed of God is the word of God. The seed of the devil is the word of the devil. The man who is born of the seed of God is the son of God, the man who is born of the seed of the devil is the son of the devil (Mt 13:38). These two kinds of people grow together in one field (church). However, at the time of harvest, they are divided into the son of God and the son of the devil. They are divided into heaven and hell. This is the secret of heaven that will be accomplished. Among these parables of the secrets of heaven, there are three secrets of Revelation. The actual entities of these secrets are the seven stars and the seven lamps, seven-headed and ten-horned animal in Revelation, and the last seventh trumpet sound. These are the secrets of betrayal, destruction and salvation (refer to 2 Thes 2:1-4). The purpose of these secrets(parables) is to create the promised nation, twelve tribes which are written in the book of life by harvesting and sealing.
This is the time of harvest and the Second Coming of Jesus. Today, we hope and pray that you perceive the parables of the secrets of heaven, realize the three secrets of Revelation especially, be harvested to the place of salvation, Mt. Zion, become the people of heaven and attain salvation.
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Thoughtless faith - Is it you?

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The Faith of Today's Christians.

The Faith of Today’s Christians
How does God's word - the Bible - see today's pastors and their knowledge about the Bible?
Talking about the sealed book, in the Old Testament, Isaiah 29:9-14 states that the entire vision is like a sealed book, because the Lord has poured out a spirit of deep sleep and their eyes are sealed and their heads are covered. The seers and prophets are all blind and do not know the vision. They are taught by man and honor God with their lips. They call Him 'Lord, Lord', yet their hearts are far from God.
But the vision has a time for its fulfillment (Hab 2:2-3). At the time of the fulfillment God opened the scroll and gave it to the son of man to eat, and sent him to the corrupt chosen people (Ez 2 and 3). That person was Jesus. Jesus, in his first coming, received the opened scroll (book) and fulfilled all that was promised (Jn 19:30).
Regarding visions of the Bible's New Testament, the book of Revelation, in chapter 5 verses 1 to 4 point out that today’s pastors have become blind and that there is not anyone who knows the book that is sealed with seven seals.
What they know and teach is the historical (genetically passed down) teachings. When the vision is not revealed as reality, then there is no salvation for humanity and God and His kingdom will not come to earth. This is the word of a person who knows God's will and understands the Bible.
The book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ (Rv 1:1), which records that if it is not kept, added to or taken out from, then that person cannot go to the kingdom of heaven and will be cursed (Rv 22:18-19).
This is how it is, but why can't pastors teach the book of Revelation, the revelation of Jesus? Or when they do, why do they teach it with people's thoughts and by human research? That is because they did not receive the revelation and do not know the true meaning. If they do not know, will they be saved? No. They will not be saved. John went up to the kingdom of heaven (Rv 4) and stood in front of the throne and saw that the book was sealed and no one on earth or heaven could open it so he cried (Rv 5:1-4), because if the book is not opened and God's recorded secret does not get fulfilled, then God's hope and our hope of salvation will not exist.
Today, Jesus broke all seven seals (Rv 6, Rv 8:1) and through the angel gave the book to John so that he can deliver it to all nations and people (Rv 10:1-3, 8-10). In Jesus' first coming,  he received the revelation God opened (Ez 2:8-3:3) and said that no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him (Mt 11:27), and that knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ who was sent is eternal life (Jn 17:3).
Today through spiritual John (the one who overcomes) who received the revelation from Jesus, and after the 12 tribes, the 144,000 and the great multitude in white robes receive the revelation by spiritual John we will know God and Jesus. And we can obtain eternal life by knowing spiritual John whom Jesus sent (as a messenger).
In the New Testament we seek eternity and the kingdom of heaven. The New Testament is the new covenant and is testifying and directing us to the one who overcomes - that is spiritual John. The book of Revelation tells us that the one who sees and hears and is ordered (that is the one who overcomes) inherits and becomes God's son (Rv 21:7). God, Jesus and the kingdom of heaven comes to the one who overcomes and the bread of life, the ruling and judgmental power are all given to the one who overcomes (Rv 2 and 3).
The time of the New Testament is the era of the fulfillment of the Revelation. It is a blessing to faithful people to meet the promised pastor - the one who overcomes.
Without paying attention to the one who overcomes there is no salvation. This is the new covenant which is the prophecy of the New Testament, the fulfilled reality of today. Think of the words of the New Testament as a teacher of faith and a path of faith, and then you will know and meet the promised pastor - the one who overcomes.
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[SHINCHONJI CHEONAN CHURCH] Shinchonji Volunteer Services - Wiping and Cleaning Gravestones of Veterans of Korea.

June is the month of Memorial and Veterans in Korea.
About 50 members of Shinchonji cheonan Chruch visited Daejeon National Cemetery to pay a tribute to the deceased patriots.
Shinchonji Cheoan Members wiped and clean
each of 1000 Gravestones of veterans
as a volunteer services.


Thank you, veterans of Korea, for fighting for our country and saving the land we are living so that we can have privileges to enjoy all good things in Korea.
Beautiful Korea, Beautiful Shinchonji,
Beautiful Cheoan Chruch~!


Shinchonji and Contemporary Christianity.

Shinchonji and Contemporary Christianity
Main reference: Mt 22: 29 (Mk 4: 10-13)
Jesus once told the Jews that they were in
error because they did not know the Scriptures. [Mt 22: 23-29]. He also said that if we do
not know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven
and the parable of the sower then we
cannot be forgiven, making us no different to those outside God’s eternal Kingdom [Mk 4: 10-13]. In the time of Jesus’ first coming the
Israelites knew the laws of Moses and they lived according to them, yet ironically, they did not know the will of God. They did not know the true meaning of the Scriptures written by the prophets and this is what Jesus told them plainly. Furthermore, the Israelites served gentile gods which led them to their demise, nevertheless, they did not realize their reality and what it was that they were doing. They had no doubt that they were the chosen people of God, but in fact, they were only clinging to their man made traditions. This is why Jesus told them that they were in error.
Spiritual Israel, better known as today’s contemporary Christianity, knows that Jesus fulfilled what was promised in the Old Testament and that the heavenly seed of the gospel was sown, but they have greatly misjudged Shinchonji. They do not realize that all contemporary Christians in Korea worshiped the idols of Imperial Japan. They do not know the prophecies promised in the New Testament nor about their revelation.
The contemporary Christians only know the word as far as those things Jesus fulfilled according to the Old Testament. What Jesus promised was the New Testament and this Covenant was given to us in order that we might believe the fulfillment when things begin happening [Jn 14:29]. Everything that is fulfilled becomes the revelation of Jesus’ promises.
Just as the Israelites believed that they would be redeemed by the law, the spiritual Israelites, or contemporary Christians of today, also believes that they will be redeemed simply by what was fulfilled at the time of the first coming. The law of Moses along with what was fulfilled in the Old Testament are only the elementary truths of God's Word and like guardians which lead us to Christ. The work of God and Jesus cannot be completely fulfilled by what has happened in the past. As Paul said in
1 Cor 13: 8-12, we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the fiulfillment comes, what is in part shall disappear. The prophecies will cease, tongues will be stilled and we shall see face to face. So there is more to come just than the work of Jesus' first coming.
There was nothing fulfilled before the sealed book of the Old testament was opened. But finally the realities came to be, as the prophecies began being fulfilled. Likewise, the book of the New Testament was sealed with seven seals. So how could the fulfillment of the New testament possibly become a reality?
Just as the Israelites only believed the law of Moses before Jesus came and opened the sealed book of the Old Testament, the believers of contemporary Christianity have always believed only what wasfulfilled at the first coming according to the Old Testament prophecies. This is only meant to be the case while the book of the NewTestament, sealed with seven seals, is still closed. Once it is opened, people need to believe.
How could the law of Moses and the revelation of Jesus be the same? Likewise, how can the elementary truth of the fulfillment of the Old Testament be compared to the revelation of the opened book (New Testament) which once was sealed with the seven seals?
Contemporary Christianity has sown the heavenly seed of the gospel for the last two thousand years. We, Shinchonji, have created the 12 tribes of the Kingdom of God, reached out to the fields where the seed has been sown and are harvesting people to God’s Kingdom. People are harvested in order to seal them with the Word of revelation and the fulfillment of the opened book. How can this work be even compared to the work of sowing the seed? Why don’t people realize that the law of Moses, the fulfillment of the Old Testament, Jesus bearing the cross, and the New Testament fulfillment is all for the purpose of creating the Kingdom of God?
Contemporary Christians spread the fulfillment of the Old Testament while Shinchonji spreads the fulfillment of the New Testament, this is the difference. The revelation of the Old Testament was for the establishment of the New Testament, and the revelation of the New Testament was for the creation of the 12 tribes of Shinchonji (The New Heaven and New Earth). The contemporary Christians have greatly misjudged Shinchonji for they do not know the will of God or the Scriptures. This is why they persecute.
The Scriptures, the prophecies of the Old Testament and the prophecies of the New Testament are for the restoration and creation of the Kingdom of God which was once lost. It is to this end the God had been working tirelessly for the last 6 thousand years. This Kingdom of God is the 12 tribes and these 12 tribes are Shinchonji which the Heavens, God and Jesus are with. The Kingdom of the One who overcomes, Shinchonji, is where the will of God is being fulfilled on earth as it is fulfilled in heaven. This is the only place where all nations should come to worship God, and the only placewith the Word of revelation, a new song, which all nations should learn.
Only here one can find the One with the food of eternal life, the hidden manna, the white stone and the iron scepter, ruling over all nations, as promised in the book of Revelation chapter 2 and 3. This is the one and only place that all nations should seek to find and come to in order to be redeemed.
Above all else, one should repent, and renounce our materialistic ways and wordly worries. The Kingdom of Heaven has come to the tabernacle of the One who overcomes [Rev 3:12]. While sitting on the throne of Jesus Christ, the One who overcomes waits for the chosen nation of God. Believe in the revelation of the New Testament so that we can join the citizenship of heaven and the saints of Shinchonji. This is my prayer.
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[SHINCHONJI] The Fulfillment of the Old and New Testaments.



The Fulfillment
of the Old and New Testaments
Main references: Jn 19:30; Rv 21:6 (Heb 8:7)
The Old Testament refers to the promise before Jesus and the New Testament to the promise after Jesus. The Old Testament was fulfilled by Jesus when he came, and the New Testament will be fulfilled through Jesus’ return.
Let us examine the previous prophecies and their fulfillment of the past.
The book of Isaiah has a total of 66 chapters. Among the 66 chapters, Isaiah 1:1 to Isaiah 2:4 is the summarized conclusion of the entire book of Isaiah. This prophecy was fulfilled at the time of Jesus, roughly 700 years after it was prophesied.
The book of Jeremiah has a total of 52 chapters. Among the 52 chapters, Jeremiah chapter 1 is the summary of the entire book of Jeremiah. It was fulfilled roughly 600 years after it was prophesied.
The book of Ezekiel has a total of 48 chapters. Among the 48 chapters, Ezekiel chapter 1 to chapter 3 is the summary of the entire book of Ezekiel. This too, was fulfilled at the time of Jesus, roughly 600 years after it was prophesied.
The book of Daniel has a total of 12 chapters. Among the 12 chapters, Daniel chapter 1 to chapter 2 is the summarized conclusion of the entire book of Daniel. It was fulfilled during Jesus’ time, roughly 500 to 600 years after it was prophesied.
The promise with Abraham, which existed before these promises above, was fulfilled when God came to Moses. This promise came to pass four generations after the Israelites went into Egypt.
In the Old Testament God prophesied through several prophets—from (the book of) Isaiah to (the book of) Malachi—including the book of Psalms, what would be and was yet to come in the future. Approximately 600 to 700 years later, God fulfilled those prophesies by coming to Jesus (Jn 19:30).
The Israelites, who committed sin like Adam (Hos 6:7; Jer 31:32), did not believe in the promised pastor, who was Jesus, or in God who came at the first coming. They only insisted on following the Law and the gentile king (Caesar). Why did they not believe in the Old Testament? Not believing in the promise was equal to not believing in God. They did not believe in the promise of the Old Testament because the spirit of wickedness was inside them.
The blood from the atonement offering, that is, the blood of the lamb in the Law of Moses, could not atone for people’s sins (salvation). For that reason God promised the work of salvation, where the blood of the Jesus, who was blameless, would be used for the forgiveness of sins instead of the blood of the (physical) lamb. This promise of the work of salvation was the Old Testament. It was Jesus who fulfilled this work.
Now, however, is the time of the New Testament, and it is the time of the New Testament’s fulfillment. Who has promised the New Testament, and who will fulfill this promise? It is the promise which God has given through Jesus, and it was the disciples whom Jesus recorded this promise through. This is why John refers to the Revelation as the ‘Revelation of Jesus Christ’ (Rv 1:1). He also stated, if anyone adds or subtracts from Revelation, that person will be unable to go to heaven, and plagues will be added unto him (Rv 22:18-19).
To whom is this Revelation of Jesus Christ spoken? It is the word spoken to the Spiritual Israelites (the world of Christianity) in the era of the New Testament. It was written so it would be made known to the promised servants. It took approximately 2,000 years for this news to be proclaimed throughout the world. Today, as this news has now been preached to the ends of the earth, the end of the Spiritual Israelites has come (refer to Mt 24:14). Thus, harvesting, the work of sealing, and the creation of the new kingdom has begun.
At the time of Jesus’ first coming, when the Old Testament was fulfilled, the Physical Israelites did not believe in the fulfillment. They instead persecuted Jesus and his disciples. Likewise today, at the time of Jesus’ second coming when the New Testament is being fulfilled, the Spiritual Israelites also do not believe in the fulfillment. They continue to persecute the messenger whom Jesus has sent (the promised pastor) and the people who belong to this messenger. The only people, who believe at this time, are those who have been harvested like a thief in the night, and are sealed. Those who are harvested and brought in (to the barn) have seen the fulfillment of the New Testament, and thus, what they believe is the New Testament and its fulfillment.
Why was it, the unbelieving people and the persecutors in both the first and second coming of Jesus, refuse to believe and instead only persecuted? It was because of their pride in believing they were righteous, their feeling of satisfaction in their life of faith (the rich) and their traditions. They did not realize who they were. They did not know God had left them, that they were under Satan’s ecclesiastical authority, and had become gentiles and outsiders due to their sins. Without knowing these things, they were persistent only on their traditions. This is the reason for their unbelief and their acts of persecution.
The Physical Israelites were ignorant of how they had become gentiles, by worshiping gentile gods during the reign of Solomon (1 Kgs 11). Under the authority of the gentiles, they persecuted Jesus. What about the people of the New Testament? The Spiritual Israelites in the era of the New Testament are in the same position as the people at that time.
The seven stars (the messengers) in Revelation 2 and 3, refused to repent despite having received the letters of repentance. As a consequence, they were judged and fell from the sky to the earth in Revelation 6. Furthermore, they received on their foreheads and right hands the mark from the beast-like gentiles and false pastors, worshiping them in Revelation 13. These actions have led all nations to fall and people to marry the spirits of the devil in Revelation 18. If this is the situation, would these people welcome the promised pastor even if he comes? As in the past, the people of today do not realize this situation. They claim to be the only orthodoxy and righteous people. They are busy labeling others as heretics and persecuting those who do not belong to them.  
Among the 22 chapters of Revelation in the New Testament, Revelation 1:1-1:8 is the summary and conclusion. Jesus said he would come like a thief in the night and harvest (1 Thes 5:2). Just as his word says, Jesus went to the field (the church) and harvested good grains at the in the spiritual night, after the sun, moon, and stars went dark and fell (the destruction of the chosen people). This in fact, is the fulfillment of the recorded word (Mt 24:29-31).
Why is harvesting carried out like a thief in the night? The Spiritual Israelites have fallen from heaven (God’s possession) to the earth, due to their betrayal in Revelation 13. They were banished from heaven just like Adam. These people, who were banished, are now held captive under Babylon, the kingdom of demons (the kingdom of the beast with seven heads and ten horns). They are enslaved within Babylon; they have become gentiles and darkness where no light (the word) is found. It is to this very place which Jesus goes and carries out the work of redemption by calling people (Rv 18:4) and bringing them out (Rv 17:14). This is what it means to harvest like a thief in the night. This is fulfilled just as the Bible promises.  
People who have been harvested are taught at Zion Center (Zion Christian Mission Center) through the introductory, intermediate, and advanced education sessions. This is the same as sealing them with the revealed word of the new covenant (the new song in Revelation 14:3). After they learn the advanced session, where they are educated with the prophecies and their physical fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation without adding to or subtracting from it, they take a graduation test. If they acquire a score above 90 out of 100, they can then be registered with the church.
Out of all nations, it is only Shincheonji which has not added to nor subtracted from Revelation. Those who have learned the new song at Shincheonji Zion Center, now belong to the twelve tribes of the promised new kingdom. Therefore, their names can be recorded in the book of life (refer to Rv 21:27). This event can only take place within Shincheonji. Will there be salvation without this result? Is this occurrence heretical? Whoever says this work is heretical, also labels Jesus, who has promised this very work, as a heretic.
Now is the time for false pastors to stop speaking lies. It is truly the time to believe in the true words of Shincheonji. Is it worthwhile to have a conversation with unbelieving people about both the Bible and Jesus? No matter how much they persecute, the Bible and Shincheonji remain the same. It is only natural the devil conducts the actions of the devil. It is also natural Shincheonji carries out the actions of Shincheonji. The most pitiful people in this era are those who have become the pastors of the devil who speaks lies. The next most pitiful people are those who believe in the words of the devil’s false pastors, instead of believing in God’s word of promise.
The sun, moon, and stars recorded in the Bible, symbolize the Israelites (the chosen people) (refer to Gn 37:9-11). The sun and moon represent pastors and evangelist, and the stars the congregation members. When it says in the New Testament, the sun, moon, and stars go dark and fall (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-13), it signifies how the light is absent (Jn 1:4), and how it has left people. When the scripture says they fall from heaven to the earth, it implies how they return to mere flesh, just like Adam, after having first been a part of God.
False pastors and their congregation members do not realize this fact. They believe they are still with God. They claim to be the chosen people and orthodox, and act arrogantly. This is identical with Adam’s family, who also did not realize God had left Adam and had instead gone to Noah. False pastors and their congregation members today are also similar to the Israelites, who did not know God had left them and had instead gone to Jesus. In the same manner, the Spiritual Israelites do not realize God has left them, and that God, Jesus, and heaven have instead come to Shincheonji. Without knowing this, the Spiritual Israelites are boastful of themselves, but they have in reality, become gentiles and heretics. Furthermore, they do not realize they themselves are the heretics, but are instead, busy labeling and blaming Shincheonji—the place where God and Jesus are with—as a heresy.
The evidence which proves God has left them is their own actions (false testimonies, persecution, etc.), and the dramatic decrease of their congregation members. Just like in the days of Jesus’ first coming, they have concocted lies and are cursing Shincheonji with those lies. This very action serves as proof which shows they have become the devil’s false pastors. The evidence which proves God has come to Shincheonji is the fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament taking place within Shincheonji, without adding to or subtracting from Revelation, and Shincheonji’s rapid growth.
Shincheonji to the world, and the world to Shincheonji! This statement is being fulfilled today. As a result, both spiritual and physical wars will come to an end, the world will gain peace, and the light will be restored. The Sabbath-Rest, in which God reigns, is approaching right in front of our very eyes.


The lamp and the oil. Get them from Shinchonji.

Matthew 25:1~2 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.

Every Christian is waiting for Jesus, the bridegroom, to come. However many of Christians even do not know that the lamp and the oil described in Mt 25:1~13.
What about you? Are you the wise or the foolish?
Did you get the lamp and more importantly the oil?

The lamp and the oil
After he spoke about the signs of the end of age and his second coming in Mt 24, Jesus speaks about the wedding banquet. In Mt 25:1-13, Jesus explains that only those who are prepared will be able to participate in the wedding banquet. What must we do to be prepared? Jesus tells us that only those who prepare the lamp and the oil will be able to will be able to meet the bridegroom. So, what are the lamp and the oil?
God granted both Moses and Jesus a vision of heaven (Ex 25; Jn 5). After seeing those visions, they both proceeded to establish God’s tabernacle and kingdom on earth according to the pattern they had seen in heaven (Mt 6:10). Moses built the tabernacle in the desert and placed seven golden lampstands inside it (Heb 9:2). Since he was assigned to tend the lampstands, it was Aaron’s job to make sure that their lights did not go out. At that time, olive oil was used to light the lamps (Lv 24:1-9). When Moses felt he could not address the Israelites directly, Aaron went before Moses and spoke to the people. In this way, Aaron played the role of the lampstand that prepared the way for people to hear Moses’ message.
According to Zec 4, the prophet Zechariah saw seven golden lamps and two olive trees. When he asked an angel what they represented, the angel explained that the seven golden lamps represent God’s seven eyes that range throughout the earth and the two olive trees that pour out golden oil are two people anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth. The seven golden lamps are the same seven eyes that Rv 5:6 calls the seven spirits of God. The seven spirits are the spirits of God’s seven golden lampstands. In Rv 4:5, John saw the same pattern in heaven that Moses saw when he built God’s tabernacle on earth. When Solomon rebuilt the tabernacle Moses made, he called the lamps lampstands (Jer 52:19-20). Just to clarify, golden lampstands and golden lamps refer to the same thing (Rv 1). It is important to note, though, that these lampstands should only burn olive oil and that the olive trees are two witnesses who stand before the Lord (Rv 11:3-4).
So, to what do the lamp and the oil mentioned in Mt 25 refer? Psalms 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to feet and a light for my path.” This means that the lamp represents the Bible. At the first coming, John the Baptist was referred to as a lamp who prepared the way. He was a light shining into a dark world. The oil (Rv 6:6) from the olive trees represents the testimony of the two witnesses. Matthew 24 describes how the sun, moon, and stars that represent the chosen people fall from heaven to earth. This means they returned to being mere flesh (Rv 6). At that time, Jesus comes with his angels to gather the true believers—the good grains—from the four corners of the earth (Mt 24:30-34; Mt 8:11-12; Lk 13:28-29). The oil that represents the testimony of the two witnesses is the same as the food at the proper time mentioned in Mt 24:45-47. This means Mt 25:1-13 is a figurative warning that only those who receive the oil from the two witnesses will be able to meet Jesus at the time of his second coming. Those who fail to receive the oil and light their lamps will not meet Jesus.
The two witnesses are testifying about what they saw and heard regarding the physical fulfillment of the second coming. Their testimony includes the fulfillment of the events prophesied in Mt 24 and 25. The testimony of these two witnesses is the olive oil we must prepare. Christians who fail to receive the testimony of the two witnesses can only live out their lives of faith in darkness without the light of a lamp. How will people living in darkness be able to meet the Lord? This means that only those who accept and believe in the testimony of the two witnesses will be able to participate in the wedding banquet of heaven.
To participate in this wedding banquet, you also must realize that there is a wedding banquet held for the Lamb in Rv 19. After the destruction of Babylon, which is a home for demons, the world is deceived and is married to Satan (Rv 18). The location of the wedding banquet must provide evidence of that fact. This evidence is the oxen and fattened beasts that are butchered (Mt 22:1-4, DARBY). The oxen and fattened beasts are the food the guests—both spirit and flesh—have gathered to eat. Eating the food at the banquet is the same as hearing the words of the testimony about the fulfillment. This means the food that acts as evidence of the location of the wedding banquet is the same as the oil believers must prepare to participate in the wedding banquet.
In summary, those who want to participate in the wedding banquet and go to heaven must prepare their lamp (i.e., the Bible) and oil (i.e., the testimony regarding the fulfillment).
Shinchonji is the only place where you can get the lamp and the oil.
Please come and get them in order to go in the kingdom of heaven.
For more information, please visit
God loves you!