
Do you know the Bible? Mark your Calendar!!! May 6~7, 2013 .

Do you know the Bible?
Let’s Ask Ourselves
Will I be going to heaven or will I end up in the Abyss (hell)?
According to the Bible and specifically Rv 20:12, a person is judged by their acts and gets sent to either the Kingdom of Heaven or to the Abyss.
Have I acted according to God's will as written in Mt 7:21-27?
God promised through Jeremiah to "plant an offspring" (Jer 31:27), and about 600 years later in Jesus' first coming He planted the offspring as promised and promised again to harvest (Mt 13:24-30, 39-40). Since then about two thousand years have passed and today the harvesting is happening.
Have I been harvested, sealed with the words and do I belong to the promised nation of the twelve tribes? (Rv 14; Rv 7).
Have I received the twelve blessings in Revelation 2 and 3, and do I know the one who overcomes to whom God, His Kingdom and Jesus will come to and be with? (Rv 3:12, 21).
Do I know the three mysteries of Revelation, the three plagues, and the three pastors?
In Rv 17 and 18, kings and people all drank the wine of adulteries and all nations fell. It is this very wine which the merchants of the earth traded and exchanged for great wealth. Do you know what kind of wine this wine of adulteries is, a wine for the wedding house of the devil?
In Rv 21, what is the difference between the new heaven and earth and first heaven and earth?
Am I a person of the new heaven and new earth or a person of the first heaven and the first earth? This happens all during the time of Revelation.
As described in Rv 22:18-19, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven if they add or take away words of the prophecy of Revelation, but instead receive plagues.
Have I truly not added to or taken away words from the book of Revelation?


You are Invited to...Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar
May 6 & 7, 2013 at 12am & 5am (CDT)
Live Broadcasting @ www.scj.tv
Please visit
For more information.....http://han.shinchonji.kr/wp/?cat=20 www.scjbible.tv


Do you know the signs of the End of the Age?

 Are you curious?
The Signs of the End of Age (Mt 24)
1. Decieveness from men
2. War, Famines, Earthquakes
3. Betrayal, Hatred
4. Abomination of Desolation->Holy place->Flee to the mountains
5. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
6. Sun, Moon, Stars will fall from the sky.

Common Misunderstanding
1. Earthly Wars like World War II?
2. Earthly Famines? Nothing to eat?
3. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers? Should I have babies?
4. Sun, Moon, Stars falling to Earth? Those stars are bigger than Earth!!
5. The Mountains to Flee? Which ones?
Do you want to know the truth about the signs of the end of the age?
You are Invited to...Shinchonji Bible Seminar
May 6 & 7, 2013 at 12 am & 5 am (CDT)
Live Broadcasting @ www.scj.tv 

The Signs of the End of the Age

and the Second Coming of Jesus

 Main Reference: Mt 24-25, Jn 14:23-24 (summary)

Mt 24:3 “As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

John 14:22-24 (verse 22) “‘… why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”/ (verse 23) “Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.’/ (verse 24) ‘He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.’”

Jesus first answered his disciples saying “watch out that no one deceives you” (24:4). Also regarding this time, it is written in Rev 3 that it would be the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world (Rev 3:10). At this time, the road we should truly walk on and the teacher we should follow is only the Word of God. God is the Word (Jn 1:1), Jesus is the Word (1 Jn 1:1), and the Bible is the Word of God.

The signs of the Lord’s Second Coming states that (spiritual) nation and (spiritual) nation, (spiritual) kingdom and (spiritual) kingdom will rise against each other, people will be handed over to be put to death and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places (Mt 24:7-10). The love of most will also grow cold because of the increase of wickedness, (Mt 24:12). Moreover, it is said that the end will come when the gospel that Jesus shared with his disciples on the Mount of Olives 2000 years ago will be preached in the whole world in order to testify to all nations.

The war between the two kingdoms mentioned previously is the war between two spiritual kingdoms, a war of doctrines between the kingdom of God (believers) and the kingdom of devil. The lawless pastor of Satan invades and wins, thus standing in God’s holy place (refer to Mt 24:15, 2 Thess 2:1-4, Rev 13). At this time, the ones who did not flee to the mountain (refer to Mt 24:16), the place of salvation (Mount Zion, Rev 14), is a congregation member belonging to satan, the trespasser. Also, disaster will be fall upon the pregnant and nursing mothers (Mt 24:19), the pastors in the holy place of God. At this time, Jesus said that those days of distress will be shortened for the sake of the elected ones (Mt 24:21-22), and to be careful of false Christ and false prophets deceiving the chosen ones (Mt 24:23-26). In such time of distress (war), the spiritual sun, moon and stars (the family of chosen people) will darken and fall, becoming the night (Mt 24:29). Also, Jesus made known the work that he will do as he comes as a spirit like lightning with the angels (Mt 24:27, 31). He says will come like a thief and take away people who are awake (refer to Mt 24: 42-44) and promised he will put in charge of all his possessions the one who gives the believers (refer Rev 10:8-11) “the food at the proper time” (spiritual food: words of Mt 24) at that time (Mt 24:45-27).

The requirement for meeting Jesus, the coming bridegroom, is the lamp and oil. The ones who are ready with these things can take part in the wedding banquet but the ones who are not ready cannot participate (Mt 25:1-13). The lamp is God’s Word, the Bible (Ps 119:105), the oil is the testimony of Holy Spirit (refer to Ex 27:20, Zech 4:11-14, Rev 11:3-4). As it’s written in Mt 22, gathered are good and bad people in the house of the wedding banquet of the lamb (Mt 22:1-14). This is just like the sheep and goats (refer to Mt 25:31-33). At this time, Jesus will bequeath the sheep like believers in the prepared location (Jn 14:1-3), heaven, according to the promise of John 14(Mt 25:34). The sheep-like believers who inherited the kingdom of heaven are the ones who kept the Word of the Lord as promised in John 14:23-24. For those who say “I have been saved, I have received the Holy Spirit, and I am orthodox,” while not keeping the Word of the Lord, there is neither heaven nor eternal life and they will not be able to meet Jesus.

As mentioned earlier, not everyone can come to Shinchonji, but only the ones who are acknowledged through the Bible. Upon completion of studying the Bible (The process of learning basic, intermediate, revelation) and passing a test of 300-400 questions of the key points can people then only be able to enter. We the 12 tribes of Shinchonji are not without one thing from the Bible. The creation of the 12 tribe is just as promised in the Bible (Rev 7) and the name of the church is also as promised in the Bible (Rev 15). Just like God and Jesus is the Word of life (Jn 1:1-5, 1 Jn 1:1-3), we have mastered the Bible, become the walking Bible, and soon masters of revelation, we are the children of God through revealed faith(refer to Gal 3:23-26).

Whoever is looking for the city of the truth, the kingdom of the truth, heaven and eternal life must walk a true life of faith as mentioned, and should be acknowledged by God. We, the believers in Sinchonji pray for this continuously without rest.



You are Invited to...Shinchonji Bible Seminar
May 6 & 7, 2013 at 12am & 5am (CDT)
Live Broadcasting @ www.scj.tv
Please visit
For more information.....http://han.shinchonji.kr/wp/?cat=20    www.scjbible.tv


There are many benefits of wine. The wine you should not drink!

There are many benefits of drinking wine.
  • Reduces Heart-Attack Risk
  • Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
  • Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Lowers Risk of Stroke
  • Cuts Risk of Cataracts
  • Slows Brain Decline
  • May Increace Bone Mineral Density in Men
  • Prevent Cancer 
  • Benefit for Weight management
 Overall = Promotes Longevity

From bones to cancers and weight management, the benefits are many.

However, drinking in moderation is the key to have benefits from wine. If you drink wine heavily, it can ruin you and especially your heart and your life!

Well, Do you know that there is the wine that you should not drink?
You would like to know if you really care about your life.

Wine of


What is the wine of adulteries in the New Testament (Rv 7, 18)? It is written in the Revelation 18 that all the nations fell by this wine of adulteries and all who travel by ship in the sea deal with this wine. Today is the time of the Revelation, that is the Second Coming of Lord.

Jesus said in parable about putting new wine into new wineskins, and old wine into old wineskins at the Four Gospels (Mt9:17, Lk5:37-38).
Jesus said that he is the true vine and his disciples are the branches,(Jn15:1-5) The Bird of the Spirit descended on Jesus and his disciples.(Mt3:16-17, Acts.2:1-4, 33) Jesus called the teachers of the law and the Pharisees who sat in Moses’ seat(Mt.23:2) “whitewashed tombs” and “snakes and brood of vipers”(Mt.23:27-34) God called these pastors (enemy) of Sodom and Gomorrah as vines giving venom of serpents and the deadly poison of cobras (Dt.32:31-33, Isa.5:1-7). As we can see, the vine is a man (pastor) and the wine is the word that comes from a man.
Let us examine the meaning of wine and wineskin as we look at how what Jesus said at Lk.17:26-30 the time of his Second Coming is same as the days of Noah and the days of Lot (judgement day of Sodom and Gomorrah).
New wine at the time of the First Coming was the word of revelation which the sealed book of old covenant became open and new wineskins were the new pastors(Jesus and his disciples), while old wine was the rules and law taught by men, and old wineskins were the traditional pastors.Then what is the reality of wine of adulteries?
It is written in the Bible that the kings of the earth committed adulteries together with the prostitute of Babylon, the people in the earth have drunk the wine of adulteries, all the nation fell by this wine of adulteries, and all who traveled by ship in the sea dealt in this wine of adulteries and became rich.(Rv.18) And that place (Babylon) is a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird,(Rv.18:2), where all the nations get married to the devil.(Rv.18:23) A pastor who truly loves God, Jesus, and the life of believers and himself should confirm‍ what is the place and the wine of adulteries, and should not let the believers drink it.
Grapes come from vine and wine comes from grape. At his First Coming, Jesus was true vine and his revelation was true wine. He made new covenant with his blood, saying ‘I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.’(Mt.26:26-29) Today when it is the time of the Second Coming, he gave the word of revelation, that is, a new wine, to New John and request him proclaim it to people, nations, languages and kings, that is, all the churches in the world (Rv.10).
Today, there are God, Jesus and angels of heaven with twelve tribes who are sealed with the word of revelation of Jesus in the spiritual Mt.Zion, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony which is the kingdom of God promised in the Bible.(Rv.14:1-5, 15:2-5)
On the contrary, the prostitute of Babylon the kingdom of devil (false pastor like King Nebuchadnezzar, Dan.4:20-22) and the one who has ecclesiastical authority with seven heads and ten horns (beast: pastors) are wild vine of serpent, and their doctrine is the wine of adulteries. This prostitute, that is the pastor of devil, is the one who married to the devil (dragon), and those who made group with him became the spiritual Babylon, the kingdom of serpent, and this Babylon (beasts, false pastors) destroyed the believers of God’s tabernacle of the Revelation 13. It is the end of age of the spiritual Israel, which all the nations fell by the wine of adulteries, that is the doctrine of Babylon. In conclusion, the group of beast who intruded the tabernacle of God and destroyed the believers there at Rv.13 is the spiritual Babylon, the kingdom of devil, and the doctrine they testified is the wine of adulteries.
There are witnesses who saw the event at the scene, and they are the ones who fought the beast that intruded the tabernacle of heaven at Rv.13, overcame and came out of there.(Rv.15:2-5) After this, we can become people of heaven by being invited to the wedding banquet of the Lamb, by receiving the revelation word of Jesus, and by being born again hearing the testimony about the beast with seven heads and ten horns and wine of adulteries.


For more information, go to...http://han.shinchonji.kr/wp/


Arbor Day is April 26 this year. General Sherman is the biggist tree in the world. How much do you know about trees?

Arbor day is April 26 this year. (Arbor day is the last Friday in April.)
The first Arbor day was April 10, 1872 and about one million trees were planted.

Let's talk about trees today!

Do you know about the biggest tree in the world?

General Sherman is the biggest tree in the world located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in California. It is a giant sequoia tree and it is assumed that it is probably about 2000 years old. It is 83.8m(274.9 feet) and the width of the crown is 33m.

Another Fact about trees!

There are about approximately 100,000 species of trees that exist in the world. And trees cover about 30% of Earth's total land area.

Well, how much do you know about the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil in the Bible?

The Tree of Life

& the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil


Jesus passed down to the future generations hidden things since the foundation of the earth through spoken parables so as to fulfill what had been promised in the Old Testament (Ps 78:1-6, Mt 13:34-35).

Then what is the true form of the two trees (Gn 2:9) recorded in Genesis?

As we read Genesis 1:11-12, about what is written regarding God’s creation, there are trees bearing fruit, with seed in them, after their kind. Jesus told that a grain of seed as small as a mustard seed is sown in a field and when it is fully grown into a tree, the birds of the air come and nest in its branches (Mt 13:31-32). There are two kinds of seeds: the physical seed and spiritual seed. There are ten thousand different kinds of physical seed. What Jesus spoke of is the spiritual seed (Lk 8:11), and he revealed the secret of the book of Genesis through the parable of physical seed. It is also recorded that when the time (of the fulfillment of truth as a form of reality) came, this parable would be said not in figurative language but plainly of the Father (John 16:25). The time is when we no more read through prophecy, but are able to see face to face; not only we know in part, but we shall know fully (1 Cor 13:12), that is the time of the reality when the prophecies are being fulfilled, so it is the time of the second coming of Jesus (refer to 1 Cor 13:8-12).

The seed of God’s Word of life (Jn 1:1-4) is sown and grows into the tree of life, and from that tree, bears 12 kinds of fruit and in its branch, the bird (spirit) of the air comes and dwells (Mt 13:31-32). Jesus is the Word of life (1 Jn 1:1-2), the way, the truth, and life (Jn 14:6), and the Spirit of God descended and came upon him as a dove (Mt 3:16). The same Jesus said that he is the true vine (Jn 15:1-5), so Jesus is in fact the tree of life that bears 12 kinds of fruits (refer to Rv 22:1-2). Also Jesus told that he is the heaven (Mt 13:24, 37)

What is the difference between what is said in the above and Matthew 13:31-32 in which it says about a small grain of seed being sown, growing up into a big tree and birds nesting in its branches? Also, how does it differ from the tree of life in Revelation 22:1-2? All these parables are all referring to the same thing. Also in Proverbs 3:13-20, it is said that the man who finds wisdom and understanding it is a tree of life. From these verses, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil do not merely refer to physical trees, but are used as a metaphor that indicates people.

If Jesus, the Word of life, is the tree of life, what is the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the tree that makes you know about good and evil)?

In Revelation 18:2-3, it is said that Babylon is a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird, and with the wine of the immorality, all the nations have drunk (and befallen). This evil spirit, devil is the serpent, Satan and the dragon (Rv 20:1-3). This serpent is exactly the one who made the woman, Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Genesis chapter 3. The Babylon king in Daniel 4:20-22 was a big tree and its fruit abundant, and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches and the beasts of the field found shade under it. This tree is the vine of the evil spirit or the serpent and the wild vine with the venom of serpents (Dt 32:31-33). Jesus, the true vine, is the tree of life as opposed to the wild vine or Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who is the tree of knowledge of good and evil (refer to Dn 20-22). In other words, these two types of trees are not just a tree but two kinds of people. Matthew 13:38’s tree of life grown from the good seed is sons of heaven while the tree of knowledge of good and evil is grown from the seed of tare, sons of the evil one from hell. Today’s pastors of spiritual Babylon as recorded in Revelation are the trees of knowledge of good and evil, and the one who overcomes (or the ones who overcome) in Revelation 3:12, 14:1-5 and in 15:2, he and they are the trees of life. As written in Revelation, among the two types of trees in the Garden of Eden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Babylon, will be fallen after its judgment and thereafter, the only one which will remain to exist is the tree of life (the victor) that bears twelve kinds of fruit (Rv 22:1-2).

To conclude, the field in which God’s Word, the seed of life is sown is neither an animal, nor the soil of the ground, it is people’s mind. The seed sown into the mind of people grows to be a big tree, which is the 12 tribes, 144,000 priests of God and a countless multitude clothed in white robes (Rv 7, 14:1-5, 5:9-10, 7:9-14). Upon them, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells (refer to Rv 20:4-6, 21:1-7). This place is the heaven as written in Matthew 13:31-32 and the tree within is the tree of life in the Garden of Eden and the tree of life that are standing on either side of the river that is formed by the water of life coming from the throne of God in the time when the prophecy of Revelation becomes fulfilled. Also, the big tree or an organization grown out from the seed of evil spirit, which is death, is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the nation of demon, Babylon or hell (Rv 18:2). These two types of trees are the pastors that belong to either good or evil.

God has hidden this until today and now he has revealed it, but people are mistaken due to “not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God (Mt 22:29).” But the believers who have their hopes in Heaven can reach to the salvation by believing and understanding it.

The two seeds and the two trees (the tree of life and the knowledge of good and evil) as written in Matthew chapter 13 are what Jesus has said in parables (Mt 13:24-41, Jn 15:1). These two trees were prophesized in the Old Testament, Genesis chapter 2, Ezekiel chapter 47, and Proverbs chapter 3, and these old mysteries were revealed through parables by Jesus and were prophesized again in Revelation chapter 22. In the time of the Second Coming of Jesus, the promised pastor, who saw and heard what Jesus made him understand so clearly through the angels of heaven, is testifying these things. (Jn 16:25, Revelation 1:1-2, Revelation 10, Revelation 22:8, 16).

For more information, go to...http://han.shinchonji.kr/wp/


What kind of Seed are you? - Svalbard grobal seed vault has about 1.5 million seeds.

Svalbard Grobal Seed Vault is a seed bank located in Norwegian and has approximately 1.5 million Seeds. And there are more than 100,000 kinds of rice seeds.
Well, then how many kinds of seeds do you think are there in the bible? TWO!
In the Old Testament (Jer31:27) - the Seed of Man and the Seed of beast.
In the New Testament (Mt13:24)- Wheat and Weeds.
Why do you need to know what kind of seed you are?
Because of the Harvest! (Mt13:30 , Rv 14:14~15)
Would you rather be the wheat to be harvested and taken into the barn than weeds to be bundled and burned?
I hope that makes you wonder whether you are the wheat.
Remember, both seeds were in the same field of Jesus.
 Two Kinds of Seeds & Harvest

The text: Mt 13:24-30

What does it mean by two kinds of seeds and harvest?

Jesus sowed good seed of heaven in his field. In this field, demon has sowed his own seed (tares) also among the wheat. Therefore, due to these two seeds, two kinds of trees grew together in one field. The field is the world (Mt 13:38), that is to say, churches of Jesus, the seed is the Word of God (Lk 8:11).

Regarding the sowing of these two kinds of seeds, it has been prophesized by God around 2,600 years ago from now through Jeremiah that “I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast” (Jer 31:27). About 600 years passed from then and thereafter, Jesus and Pharisees sowed each of their own seed. The seed of man was sown by the Son of Man, Jesus, and the seed of beast (the seed of demon) was sown by Pharisees, the beast or viper (Mt 23:29, 33). Two trees yielded from these two seeds growing together until the time of harvest (Mt 13:30).

The time of harvest is when the sun, moon, star of the spiritual Israel are darkened and fallen from the sky by the destroyer (Mt 24, Rv 13). At this time, Jesus and angels go to the field, the churches of Jesus, where the seeds are sown, with sickles in their hands (Rv 14:14). Jesus and the angels are spirit, and the sickle in their hands is the believers that have the Word. Just like this, the harvest is done secretly at night (like what a thief would do) (1 Thes 5:2, 2 Pt 3:10) for faithful people are harvested one by one into the barn where God is, and they are brought up and sealed with a new song (Rv 14:3) to be re-born. When this happens, harvested people are those who believe in the Word and follow the Word, which is God (Jn 1:1). The tares who do not believe in the Word do not come after the Word. The barn where harvested believers go is the spiritual Mount of Zion, where God is. Also in that place there are 12 tribes, which are the first fruits, the throne of God, the lamb, four living creatures and 24 elders (Rv 14:1-5).

It is said that this time of harvest is the end of the age (Mt 13:37-39). Why the end of the age? The end of the age means the end of the world of Christianity, or the spiritual Israel. What is the reason for this? It is because after the wheat is harvested, the remaining churches and the tares are being burned (Mt 13:30); which means that the spiritual Israel and church will come to an end, and therefore the end of the age, and since the sun, moon and star are to become darkened and fallen, there is an end and destruction to the spiritual Israel. Who will be redeemed, the first wheat who are harvested into the barn at the time of harvest, or the remaining tares and their pastors and churches? Those who stand against being harvested and like to remain in their church are those who do not believe in Jesus and his Word.

Just as God told there would be the work of sowing two kinds of seeds and just as Jesus fulfilled it during his time, Jesus told that there would be the time of harvest and today he has fulfilled it. At this time, who are the heretics, the tares left behind in the field of sown seeds or the wheat, harvested into the barn? At the time of Jesus, they called Jesus, the Son of Man who sows the seed, a heresy and today they are calling Jesus “who came again to harvest” (Mt 24:31) a heresy. The reason for this is because the demon that called Jesus a heresy during his time has gotten into them. In the time of Jesus, as the pastors of Israel shut off the kingdom of heaven from men; for they do not enter in themselves, nor do they allow those who are entering to go in (Mt 23:13), today, the same thing is taking place. Those who believe in Jesus and his promised Words should follow His Word.

The reason why Sinchonji the church of Christ knows about the tree of life, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the sign of harvest and end of age, and the three mysteries of Revelation is because it has seen and heard through what has been revealed by Jesus. The sent person of God testifies what he sees and hears, and the sent person of God knows the Word of God for He gives the Spirit without measure (Jn 3:31-34).

The believers should remind of themselves that the time of the Son of Man is same as the time of Noah (Mt 24:37, Lk 17:26), and therefore should find the promised place of salvation in order to earn redemption.