The Proof for Believing in God
God is the one and only God (Jn 17:3). He is the creator of heaven and earth and the source of all blessings (Gn 1:1; Rom 1:20). What is the evidence for believing in God?
God is the founder of religion and the author of the scriptures (i.e. the Bible). Christians must carry out their lives of faith based on the scriptures. Living people have neither been to heaven, nor have they seen God. We believe in both heaven and God, however, because of the scriptures and because of the spiritual path that has been passed down to us.
What acts as evidence to prove a person believes in God? What do we need for God to acknowledge our faith?
Since we cannot see him, believing in God’s word is the same as believing in God (refer to Rom 10:17; Heb 11:1). Faith in God’s word, therefore, provides evidence that a person believes in God. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was fully God.” Wherever the word is, there is God; wherever God is, there is the word. Thus, believing in God’s word is the same as believing in God.
Since the word is life and light, people with the word become light and possess life (Jn 1:1-4, Jn 8:12). The word is also symbolized by the seed of God. Hence, a person born of God’s seed is God’s son (refer to Mt 13:37-38; Jas 1:18; 1 Jn 3:9) and can be created in God’s image and likeness. People without the word, however, do not have God, light, or life. Without being born of God’s seed, they cannot be created into God’s image or likeness.
Jesus was the son of God and he was the true light and life. He was also the word created in God’s image and likeness (refer to 1 Jn 1:1-3) because he was born of God’s seed. If we, like Jesus, also receive and are born of God’s seed, we will become like Jesus. This is, in fact, God’s will.
The type of faith God acknowledges is faith in the words God promised. When the fulfillment appears according to the words of promise, the faith of people who believe in that fulfillment proves that they really believe in God.
Just because a person claims to believe in God with his lips, attends church, makes monetary offerings, does volunteer service, and serves his pastor does not mean that he is acknowledged by God as a true believer. People who are zealous without knowing God’s will or the true meaning of righteousness are simply trying to lift themselves up above others (refer to Rom 10:2-3). More than offering money or giving worship, God wants us to truly know him (refer to Hos 6:6). We prove we believe in God by knowing God and by believing in and obeying his promises (Rv 1:2-3).
If we were to give a group of Christians 100 or even 1,000 questions from the New Testament, how many people could answer just one question properly? It wouldn’t surprise me if none of them could answer those questions properly. If this is the case, is it right for these people to claim that they are orthodox or that they have already received salvation and the holy spirit? The Bible says, “Now this is eternal life—that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent,” (Jn 17:3). The Bible also says, “For the spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God,” (1 Cor 2:10).
We must be honest before others and even more honest before God. Our yes should be yes and our no should be no. We should claim to know only what we really know and admit that we do not know what we do not know. It is only when we earnestly pray to God—when seek to know him and his will—that God will reveal himself to us.
Today is the same as the times of Noah and of Jesus’ first coming (Mt 24:37-39; Rv 11:8). The kingdom of heaven is indeed near. Everyone must repent. The words of the promises in the New Testament are being fulfilled. Believing in the words of the promises is believing in Jesus. No one can attain salvation unless they know the words of the promises and their physical fulfillment.
All the wealth, fame, and power in the world are nothing but empty dreams. They are not eternal life. We will become believers whom the Lord acknowledges when we seek eternal life and when we understand and obey the Lord’s will.
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