The Pastor Whom Jesus has Promised
in the New Testament

Main references: Rv 2-3; Mt 24:45-47
Who is the pastor promised by the Lord at the time of the second coming? What kind of promises has the Lord made?
Jesus promised in Matthew 24, when he returns, he will put the one who gives the saints their food at the proper time, in charge of all his possessions. In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus promised he will give to the one who fights against and overcomes the serpent, the Nicolaitans, the fruit of life, manna, the white stone to judge, and the iron scepter to rule over all nations. He has also promised, God, heaven, and Jesus will come to the one who overcomes. Just as Jesus sat down with God on his throne, Jesus has promised to allow the one who overcomes to sit with him on his throne. In Revelation 10, the opened scroll of the Revelation from heaven is given to him to eat, and he is commanded to proclaim the words of the open scroll again to many nations, peoples, languages, and kings. This is the same as the promise of Matthew 24.
The one who overcomes in Revelation 2 and 3, the one who eats the scroll and proclaims it again to people in Revelation 10, is synonymous with the one who gives the food at the proper time in Matthew 24. He is the promised pastor.
When does this promised pastor appear?
The tabernacle of the seven messengers, the tabernacle of the lampstands which prepared the way, must appear first. Next, the serpent (Satan), the Nicolaitans, must invade this tabernacle. The Nicolaitans entice the chosen people, the saints of the tabernacle which prepares the way, to accept the teachings of idols and to eat the food sacrificed to idols, deceiving them into committing adultery with the spirits of Satan. The Nicolaitans are the pastors of the dragon, Satan. The pastors of the dragon are able to enter the tabernacle of heaven and carry out the actions of Satan, because the dragon gives his throne and authority to the pastors whom he chooses (Rv 13). After the group of Satan, the Nicolaitans, invade the tabernacle of the chosen people, and during the time in which the chosen people are held captive by them, the one (the promised pastor) who fights against and overcomes these Nicolaitans, carries out the work of salvation. The location of this event is the tabernacle (the tabernacle of heaven). It is in just one location out of the entire world and is the end of the earth, as it says in the word of the prophecy. All this also occurs at the end of the age.
Jesus received the throne and the authority from God at the first coming, and he fought against and overcame Satan (Jn 16:33). Today, Jesus promised to give what he received from God to the one who overcomes. Jesus stated, the one who overcomes will sit with him on the throne and the blessings recorded in Revelation 2 and 3 will be granted to him as well.
Satan has been controlling over the world with his ecclesiastical authority for the last 6,000 years (refer to Mt 4:8-9; Lk 4:5-6; Eph 2:2). If so, it was not an easy task to overcome such an entity. Today, however, is different. Since Jesus overcame, he can take control over the devil, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, seize and lock him up (refer to Rv 20:1-3). As the devil is captured and locked up, no one is there to assist the pastors of the devil on earth. In this way, the pastors of the devil become no different from the dead, their lips become sealed, and they do not have any power. This is why the pastors of the devil will certainly be overcome.
Since the devil has already been seized and imprisoned, his pastors are no longer a problem. God’s kingdom and salvation cannot exist, and the blessings in Revelation 2 and 3 cannot be given, unless one fights against and overcomes the devil and his pastors (refer to Rv 12:7-11). In short, there is no salvation if the one who overcomes (the promised pastor), who receives the blessings promised in Revelation 2 and 3, does not exist. Foolish pastors are not even aware of this. They may not know, because their purpose is not to carry out a life of faith and go to heaven, but they are merely conducting their ministry as a means of an occupation to feed their own flesh.
No matter what people claim, the book of Revelation in the New Testament, the promise of God, will surely be fulfilled. One must enter into Revelation in order to discover whether God can fulfill it or not. Jesus promised in the New Testament what is yet to be fulfilled. He said, “I have told you now before it happens, so when it does happen you will believe” (Jn 14:29). If anyone hears the news regarding the fulfillment of the New Testament, he must make an effort to go and verify the testimony through the Bible. Such a person is a true believer.
If anyone hears the news about the work of harvesting being carried out like a thief in the night, he must look at the Bible first, instead of merely persecuting the work. If the word says the harvesting takes place like a thief in the night, he must run and hope to be harvested. Such a person is one who believes in the Bible and Jesus. How can someone, who did not at least learn the content of the Bible at a seminary school, possibly know what the Bible says? If anyone claims to be a believer, should he not at least read the Bible a few times and try to perceive the meaning? The sins will be weighty of anyone who conducts their ministry simply as an occupational means to feed themselves food and runs towards hell by doing so. Such a person must consider the situations of their saints who trust and follow them (refer to Mt 15:14; Mt 23:13).
Now you know, the kingdom of God and salvation will not exist, unless the promised pastor exists. Meeting the one who overcomes, is itself, salvation and heaven. I pray everyone believes in this and attains salvation.
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