Vision and Purpose of
Shinchonji Church of Jesus
The vision and purpose of Shinchonji are the following: heaven and eternal life; to become God’s kingdom and priests; to be the City of Truth and the kingdom of righteousness and justice; to master the Bible; to become the citizens of heaven who love, forgive and bless; and finally, to renew the world.
This is God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. The spiritual world of heaven will come down on Shinchonji, and this unity of the flesh and spirit will establish heaven on earth.
Can we say that in the world today, the believers are better than nonbelievers? And that the Christian are better than people of other religions? Are not the Korean Christians more evil than the Christians of the world? If so, why? As prophesied, God, Jesus, and heaven have come down (refer to Rv 3:12); they, however, came amongst the Christianity of Korea. Therefore, the demons all over the world have gathered to the Christians of Korea (refer to Rv 16:13-16) to interrupt with God’s work.
The devil enters into someone he needs, and works to curse, persecute, murder and fabricate lies about the person doing God’s work. In every era, those who the spirit of Satan used had the same actions (refer to Mt 5:10-12, Acts 7:52).
Everyone who follows a religion must know their respective religion’s books. No religion in the world, however, understands the meaning of their books exactly. Thus, what is taught and learned in the world of religion are the teachings of men. The teachings of men are far from the will of God (refer to Is 29:9-13).
Everyone on earth has one common ancestor; we are of the same family. While all originated from one bloodline, we went on to be divided as we increased in number. This, however, is not the essence of religion. Religion is creating a divine people, not born of natural descent, but of the seed of God. Because the thoughts of man and God are different, disputes can arise, and communication is difficult. God the creator, however, is the giver of life, death, destruction and prosperity to all men (refer to Dt 30:15-20); and he put life and blessings in his word. For us to receive this blessing, we must be a new creation by being born again of his word – the seed of God, who is just (refer to Jn 3:5; 1 Pt 1:23). Those born again of God’s seed are created in God’s image and become his son. These become heirs that inherit from God, and rule the world (refer to 1 Cor 15:50, Gal 4:1-7, Rv 21:5-7).
God says in the Bible that he will end the things of the flesh and create gods with his spiritual seed (Acts 17:29). During the process of this creation, many obstacles must be overcome. These obstacles are Satan and his people’s work of sabotage. These obstructers call what is white black, and what is black white. They label orthodoxy as cult and cult as orthodoxy with the power of their ecclesiastical authority. Beasts do not know God and his word (refer to Prv 30:2-3).
Like beasts with no regard for God or the law of his word, these obstructers blaspheme God’s true way by ruling over their denomination with the ecclesiastical authority given them by men. Indeed, there are so many obstacles to overcome in passing through the narrow road. Why else would God have to go as far as wiping tears from our eyes when he comes (refer to Rv 21:2-4)?
Whether in the First or Second Coming, people are living their lives of faith according to their own will. This is the reason they do not understand the Scriptures or God (Mt 22:29). Christians today think that they are carrying out their life of faith well; they think of themselves to be orthodoxy, to have attained salvation. This is because they don’t know the prophecies in the Bible. If they understood the meaning of the New Testament, they would not be so careless as to say ‘We are saved, and we are orthodox.’ There are two types of ecclesiastical authority. One is given by man, and the other by God. In this world, however, the ecclesiastical authority given by man has suppressed that which was given by God, and still does now.
We, Shinchonji, are not saying that there is anything wrong with the pastors of the current churches testifying the fulfillment of the Old Testament and about Jesus. Until the appointed time, such actions are valid; we also had testified the same (regarding the Old Testament and Jesus). Today, however, is the Second Coming when the prophecies of Revelation are being fulfilled; what Shinchonji testifies is not the First Coming, which is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but rather the fulfillment of the promises of the New Testament (Rv 10:1-11).
In other words, the content is different. Pastors of the current churches are testifying the First Coming, while the pastor of Shinchonji is testifying the Second Coming (refer to Rv 22:16). Among these two, what believers in the Second Coming must believe and keep is what is being fulfilled of the New Testament. During the Second Coming, however one may believe in Jesus and testify the fulfillment of the Old Testament, one cannot be saved by doing so. This is because Jesus said that the believers in the era of the New Testament can be saved only by believing the fulfillment of the New Testament and the word of revelation of the Second Coming (refer to Rv 22:18-19). Believers today must decide which is more important to believe in the time of the Second Coming.
Although the pastors today can be forgiven for persecuting the members of Shinchonji, they cannot be forgiven for choosing to not believe the word of testimony and thus persecuting. This is because it is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (refer to Mt 12:31-32).
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