
Vision and Purpose of Shinchonji Church of Jesus

Vision and Purpose of
Shinchonji Church of Jesus

The vision and purpose of Shinchonji are the following: heaven and eternal life; to become God’s kingdom and priests; to be the City of Truth and the kingdom of righteousness and justice; to master the Bible; to become the citizens of heaven who love, forgive and bless; and finally, to renew the world.
This is God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. The spiritual world of heaven will come down on Shinchonji, and this unity of the flesh and spirit will establish heaven on earth.
Can we say that in the world today, the believers are better than nonbelievers?  And that the Christian are better than people of other religions? Are not the Korean Christians more evil than the Christians of the world? If so, why? As prophesied, God, Jesus, and heaven have come down (refer to Rv 3:12); they, however, came amongst the Christianity of Korea. Therefore, the demons all over the world have gathered to the Christians of Korea (refer to Rv 16:13-16) to interrupt with God’s work.
The devil enters into someone he needs, and works to curse, persecute, murder and fabricate lies about the person doing God’s work. In every era, those who the spirit of Satan used had the same actions (refer to Mt 5:10-12, Acts 7:52).
Everyone who follows a religion must know their respective religion’s books. No religion in the world, however, understands the meaning of their books exactly. Thus, what is taught and learned in the world of religion are the teachings of men. The teachings of men are far from the will of God (refer to Is 29:9-13).
Everyone on earth has one common ancestor; we are of the same family. While all originated from one bloodline, we went on to be divided as we increased in number. This, however, is not the essence of religion. Religion is creating a divine people, not born of natural descent, but of the seed of God. Because the thoughts of man and God are different, disputes can arise, and communication is difficult. God the creator, however, is the giver of life, death, destruction and prosperity to all men (refer to Dt 30:15-20); and he put life and blessings in his word. For us to receive this blessing, we must be a new creation by being born again of his word – the seed of God, who is just (refer to Jn 3:5; 1 Pt 1:23). Those born again of God’s seed are created in God’s image and become his son. These become heirs that inherit from God, and rule the world (refer to 1 Cor 15:50, Gal 4:1-7, Rv 21:5-7).
God says in the Bible that he will end the things of the flesh and create gods with his spiritual seed (Acts 17:29). During the process of this creation, many obstacles must be overcome. These obstacles are Satan and his people’s work of sabotage. These obstructers call what is white black, and what is black white. They label orthodoxy as cult and cult as orthodoxy with the power of their ecclesiastical authority. Beasts do not know God and his word (refer to Prv 30:2-3).
Like beasts with no regard for God or the law of his word, these obstructers blaspheme God’s true way by ruling over their denomination with the ecclesiastical authority given them by men. Indeed, there are so many obstacles to overcome in passing through the narrow road. Why else would God have to go as far as wiping tears from our eyes when he comes (refer to Rv 21:2-4)?
Whether in the First or Second Coming, people are living their lives of faith according to their own will. This is the reason they do not understand the Scriptures or God (Mt 22:29). Christians today think that they are carrying out their life of faith well; they think of themselves to be orthodoxy, to have attained salvation. This is because they don’t know the prophecies in the Bible. If they understood the meaning of the New Testament, they would not be so careless as to say ‘We are saved, and we are orthodox.’ There are two types of ecclesiastical authority. One is given by man, and the other by God. In this world, however, the ecclesiastical authority given by man has suppressed that which was given by God, and still does now.
We, Shinchonji, are not saying that there is anything wrong with the pastors of the current churches testifying the fulfillment of the Old Testament and about Jesus. Until the appointed time, such actions are valid; we also had testified the same (regarding the Old Testament and Jesus). Today, however, is the Second Coming when the prophecies of Revelation are being fulfilled; what Shinchonji testifies is not the First Coming, which is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but rather the fulfillment of the promises of the New Testament (Rv 10:1-11).
In other words, the content is different. Pastors of the current churches are testifying the First Coming, while the pastor of Shinchonji is testifying the Second Coming (refer to Rv 22:16). Among these two, what believers in the Second Coming must believe and keep is what is being fulfilled of the New Testament. During the Second Coming, however one may believe in Jesus and testify the fulfillment of the Old Testament, one cannot be saved by doing so. This is because Jesus said that the believers in the era of the New Testament can be saved only by believing the fulfillment of the New Testament and the word of revelation of the Second Coming (refer to Rv 22:18-19). Believers today must decide which is more important to believe in the time of the Second Coming.
Although the pastors today can be forgiven for persecuting the members of Shinchonji, they cannot be forgiven for choosing to not believe the word of testimony and thus persecuting. This is because it is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (refer to Mt 12:31-32).
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[24 Q&A] 2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe and all living things?

[24 Q&A] 2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe
and all living things?

Photo Caption: Chairman Man Hee Lee, lecturing passionately without even taking a sip of water
2. How can it be proved that God is the creator of the universe
and all living things?
One cannot say a king does not exist simply because he has not seen him in the palace. The proof God created all things is creation itself. How can anything grow if there is no seed and how can anything sprout if nothing has been planted?
The Creator is life and the words of God, who is life, become the seed to create all things (Lk 8:11; Jn 1:1-4). The creation of heaven and the earth is like the son existing because the father exists. The son knows his father. The reason why a son may not know his father is because he is not the son.


Is SCJ Church of Jesus really a cult?

Is SCJ Church of Jesus really a cult?


Is SCJ Church of Jesus really a cult? Is it a cult from God’s point of view or is it a cult from the point of view of men? We should confirm‍ whether or not SCJ is a cult using the Bible as our standard. Let’s discover the correct answer.

Since 1990, many Christians have joined SCJ after listening to SCJ’s revealed word (i. e. the word of revelation). This mass exodus of Christians angered many Korean pastors, and in response, these pastors have held several meetings to work out strategies for preventing their congregation members from leaving their churches. Ultimately, they decided to call SCJ a cult to avoid losing any more congregation members.

Just consider the 6,000 years of biblical history. Isn’t it clear that God’s prophets in both the Old and New Testaments were persecuted and killed for their testimonies (Mt 23:34-35; Acts 7:51-53; Rv 18:24)? As if it weren’t enough for God’s people to kill the prophets, they also falsely accused Jesus and his disciples of being heretics, cult leaders, and demon-possessed troublemakers so that they could murder them as well (Mt 12:22-24; Jn 8:51-54; Acts 7:55-60; Acts 24:1-5). They treated Jesus and his disciples as if they belonged to Satan so that their congregation members would not approach them (Jn 3:14; Mt 23:13). Just as confirmed through the references above, God’s messengers in each generation were persecuted (Heb 11:32-38).

Korean pastors have accused SCJ of being a cult; they falsely testified that SCJ proclaimed Mt 24 was the only passage in the Bible that describes the end times. SCJ, however, has never said any such thing. There is no evidence that this is true in any sermon recording or book published by SCJ. It is not God, but Korean pastors who decided to label SCJ as a cult. They have done this just as the people of the past mistreated God’s messengers as heretics. If you compare God’s prophets and apostles to the other pastors of their respective generations, those who spoke on behalf of God were orthodox. The latter group—the religious leaders of the world—however, were the real heretics.

We in SCJ have offered Korean pastors the chance to have a conversation with us several times, but they are thoughtlessly refuse our requests and continue to call us a cult. The true heretics, are today’s pastors who misunderstand the Bible. Because they have sown the seed of the weeds (i.e. the false teachings of Satan) in people’s hearts without knowing the true meaning of the Bible means they have given birth to the spiritual children of the devil (Mt 13:38-39). Anyone who preaches lies is a heretic.

SCJ is the place that has mastered the Old and New Testaments by receiving the revelation of heaven. It is a place that is testifying about the physical fulfillment of the Bible (Rv 1:2; Rv 10; Rv 22:16). For these reasons, SCJ is truly orthodox.

Therefore, anyone who calls the orthodoxy of SCJ a cult proves him or herself to be a heretic. They cannot obtain salvation; they will be judged. Those who post slanderous or disparaging comments about SCJ on the Internet are nothing but cyber-thugs. They think their actions are righteous, and they refuse to engage in a civilized discussion with us. If you believe their claims, SCJ is bringing Christianity to ruin. The reality, however, is that they are the ones who are destroying Christianity and killing the faith of their fellow Christians. They disgrace and torment fellow Christians with their slanderous words. Without even a hint of morality or reason, they grow more and more wicked by the day.

It is not even worth having religious conversations with these unprincipled persecutors who are working against God and the Bible.

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The Parables of the Secrets of Heaven

The Parables of the Secrets of Heaven

Main reference: Mt 13 (Ps 78:1-4, Mk 4:10-13, Jn 16:25)

 Among the old secrets, that is, the secrets of heaven hidden since the creation of the world, what are the parable of the two kinds of seeds and harvest?
God promised that he will speak things from of old with a parable to the next generation (Ps 78:2). After one thousand years, God came to Jesus, and he accomplished the things promised in Psalm. Thus, things from of old was told with a parable (Mt 13:34-35).
Jesus who spoke in parables said this parable was the secret of heaven.
This secret of heaven has been hidden since the creation of the world until today.
Also, Jesus said there are those who must know the secret of heaven and those who must not know it (Mt 13:10-15). People who must know it are those belonging to God, and people who must not know it are those belong to the devil. Also, he said those who can’t perceive the parables are outsiders, and they can’t receive atonement for their sins (Mk 4:11-12). The difference between people who have perceived the parables of the secrets of heaven and those who haven't perceived it is the difference between God and the devil. It is the difference between people who have received atonement for their sins and people who haven't. Also, it is similar to the difference between humans and animals.
If so, mustn't people know the parables of the secrets of heaven? The secrets of heaven in the New Testament are written in parables. We must ask ourselves on how much we know about these parables. If you truly believe in Jesus and his word, you must judge yourself whether you are an outsider or you belong to God. Also, you must determine whether you have received atonement for your sins or not.
Despite the fact that you don’t know about the parables and its results, you think you are holy, saying, ‘Keep away; don’t come near me, for I am too sacred for you!’(Is 65:5).  At least there is the limit of wrongdoer's audacity(賊反荷杖). How dare you call other people 'heresy'?
In Mt 13, Jesus spoke about the parables of the two kinds of seed and harvest. Jesus accomplished what God promised through the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 31:22, 27, 31). That is, Jesus sowed the good seed (word of God, Lk 8:11) in his field (the church of Jesus), while the devil also sowed his seed (word of the devil, untruth). And, Jesus promised there will be a time of harvest (Mt 13:24-30). The time of harvest is the end of the world (end of the Christianity world). At that time, Jesus harvests the grain-like believers, takes them to the Mt. Zion (Rv 14:1-5), seals them with the word of revelation, and creates new nation of God, the twelve tribes (Rv 7, 14).
Jesus, who told the secrets of heaven with parables and figurative language, left. The words Jesus spoke before he left are written in John 14, 15 and 16. Jesus said, ‘Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father (secret of heaven)’. Since then, two thousand years has passed.
Today, in Shinchonji Church of Jesus, you can find the promised pastor whom the Holy Spirit is with. This pastor doesn't speak in parables but teaches the true meaning of the parables and reveals the actual fulfillment (actual entities) according to the promise. Jesus spoke (prophecy) the secrets in parables at the First Coming. Today, Shinchonji is testifying the actual fulfillments after fulfilling the prophecies, and this is the actual entity of the secret of heaven.  
What we must see, hear, and believe is the prophecy and its fulfillment. Among the two, fulfillment (actual fulfillment) is the most important. Because people believed the prophecies (parable), they could believe the actual fulfillment that fulfilled it. Prophecies can be told in parables, but the actual fulfillment can not. For example, a pastor came but you can't say a dog came (reference: a pastor is figuratively referred to as a dog in the Bible).
However, let’s think about today’s problem. According to the promise of Jesus, Shinchonj has explained the parables and revealed the actual fulfillment plainly. Also, since Shinchonji received the word at no cost, we give the water of life (word of the life) at no cost. Regarding this, the existing churches persecute us as heresy because we teach the Bible at no cost, and they criticize us because we explain the parables and teach the actual fulfillment. Which one is the man who does according to the word of Jesus? Out of the two, which is the one who believes in the word of Jesus and who doesn’t believe in it? Which one belongs to God and which belongs to the devil? And
① Is the prophecy that will speak in parables (PS 78:1-4) important?
② Is the prophecy that spoke in parables (Mt 13:34-35) important?
③ Is explaining the parables and showing the actual fulfillment (Jn 16:25) important?
Isn't the purpose of a life of faith seeing the actual fulfillment ③and believing in it?
You must believe all these three things; however, the actual fulfillment is most important. As it is time, don’t be one who pretends to be a believer on the outside. Don’t believe your pastor and your church. Above all, you must seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, believe in God and his word, become the man who does according to the will of God, and be the people of heaven who are born again. Now, we conclude the actual fulfillment of the parable of the two kinds of seed and the secret of heaven. The two kinds of seed are spiritual seed. They are the seed of God and the seed of the devil. The seed of God is the word of God. The seed of the devil is the word of the devil. The man who is born of the seed of God is the son of God, the man who is born of the seed of the devil is the son of the devil (Mt 13:38). These two kinds of people grow together in one field (church). However, at the time of harvest, they are divided into the son of God and the son of the devil. They are divided into heaven and hell. This is the secret of heaven that will be accomplished. Among these parables of the secrets of heaven, there are three secrets of Revelation. The actual entities of these secrets are the seven stars and the seven lamps, seven-headed and ten-horned animal in Revelation, and the last seventh trumpet sound. These are the secrets of betrayal, destruction and salvation (refer to 2 Thes 2:1-4). The purpose of these secrets(parables) is to create the promised nation, twelve tribes which are written in the book of life by harvesting and sealing.
This is the time of harvest and the Second Coming of Jesus. Today, we hope and pray that you perceive the parables of the secrets of heaven, realize the three secrets of Revelation especially, be harvested to the place of salvation, Mt. Zion, become the people of heaven and attain salvation.

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The Pastor Whom Jesus has Promised in the New Testament

The Pastor Whom Jesus has Promised
in the New Testament
Main references: Rv 2-3; Mt 24:45-47
Who is the pastor promised by the Lord at the time of the second coming? What kind of promises has the Lord made?
Jesus promised in Matthew 24, when he returns, he will put the one who gives the saints their food at the proper time, in charge of all his possessions. In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus promised he will give to the one who fights against and overcomes the serpent, the Nicolaitans, the fruit of life, manna, the white stone to judge, and the iron scepter to rule over all nations. He has also promised, God, heaven, and Jesus will come to the one who overcomes. Just as Jesus sat down with God on his throne, Jesus has promised to allow the one who overcomes to sit with him on his throne. In Revelation 10, the opened scroll of the Revelation from heaven is given to him to eat, and he is commanded to proclaim the words of the open scroll again to many nations, peoples, languages, and kings. This is the same as the promise of Matthew 24.
The one who overcomes in Revelation 2 and 3, the one who eats the scroll and proclaims it again to people in Revelation 10, is synonymous with the one who gives the food at the proper time in Matthew 24. He is the promised pastor.
When does this promised pastor appear?
The tabernacle of the seven messengers, the tabernacle of the lampstands which prepared the way, must appear first. Next, the serpent (Satan), the Nicolaitans, must invade this tabernacle. The Nicolaitans entice the chosen people, the saints of the tabernacle which prepares the way, to accept the teachings of idols and to eat the food sacrificed to idols, deceiving them into committing adultery with the spirits of Satan. The Nicolaitans are the pastors of the dragon, Satan. The pastors of the dragon are able to enter the tabernacle of heaven and carry out the actions of Satan, because the dragon gives his throne and authority to the pastors whom he chooses (Rv 13). After the group of Satan, the Nicolaitans, invade the tabernacle of the chosen people, and during the time in which the chosen people are held captive by them, the one (the promised pastor) who fights against and overcomes these Nicolaitans, carries out the work of salvation. The location of this event is the tabernacle (the tabernacle of heaven). It is in just one location out of the entire world and is the end of the earth, as it says in the word of the prophecy. All this also occurs at the end of the age.
Jesus received the throne and the authority from God at the first coming, and he fought against and overcame Satan (Jn 16:33). Today, Jesus promised to give what he received from God to the one who overcomes. Jesus stated, the one who overcomes will sit with him on the throne and the blessings recorded in Revelation 2 and 3 will be granted to him as well. 
Satan has been controlling over the world with his ecclesiastical authority for the last 6,000 years (refer to Mt 4:8-9; Lk 4:5-6; Eph 2:2). If so, it was not an easy task to overcome such an entity. Today, however, is different. Since Jesus overcame, he can take control over the devil, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, seize and lock him up (refer to Rv 20:1-3). As the devil is captured and locked up, no one is there to assist the pastors of the devil on earth. In this way, the pastors of the devil become no different from the dead, their lips become sealed, and they do not have any power. This is why the pastors of the devil will certainly be overcome.
Since the devil has already been seized and imprisoned, his pastors are no longer a problem. God’s kingdom and salvation cannot exist, and the blessings in Revelation 2 and 3 cannot be given, unless one fights against and overcomes the devil and his pastors (refer to Rv 12:7-11). In short, there is no salvation if the one who overcomes (the promised pastor), who receives the blessings promised in Revelation 2 and 3, does not exist. Foolish pastors are not even aware of this. They may not know, because their purpose is not to carry out a life of faith and go to heaven, but they are merely conducting their ministry as a means of an occupation to feed their own flesh.
No matter what people claim, the book of Revelation in the New Testament, the promise of God, will surely be fulfilled. One must enter into Revelation in order to discover whether God can fulfill it or not. Jesus promised in the New Testament what is yet to be fulfilled. He said, “I have told you now before it happens, so when it does happen you will believe” (Jn 14:29). If anyone hears the news regarding the fulfillment of the New Testament, he must make an effort to go and verify the testimony through the Bible. Such a person is a true believer.
If anyone hears the news about the work of harvesting being carried out like a thief in the night, he must look at the Bible first, instead of merely persecuting the work. If the word says the harvesting takes place like a thief in the night, he must run and hope to be harvested. Such a person is one who believes in the Bible and Jesus. How can someone, who did not at least learn the content of the Bible at a seminary school, possibly know what the Bible says? If anyone claims to be a believer, should he not at least read the Bible a few times and try to perceive the meaning? The sins will be weighty of anyone who conducts their ministry simply as an occupational means to feed themselves food and runs towards hell by doing so. Such a person must consider the situations of their saints who trust and follow them (refer to Mt 15:14; Mt 23:13).
Now you know, the kingdom of God and salvation will not exist, unless the promised pastor exists. Meeting the one who overcomes, is itself, salvation and heaven. I pray everyone believes in this and attains salvation. 

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[SCJ Quote] Faith

In order for us to be saved, we must have the Word, which is the source of salvation.
We must understand it with assurance in order to have faith.
-Man Hee Lee-
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[24 Q&A] 1. How can you prove God’s existence?

[24 Q&A] 1. How can you prove God’s existence?

1. How can you prove God’s existence?
   Why doesn’t God clearly reveal himself?

 Photo caption: May 12th, after the Open Bible Seminar in Europe, one of the ministry leaders is sincerely asking the Chairman to host an Open Bible Seminar in his country in tears.
Looking at oneself gives proof of God’s existence. God does not reveal himself to people because God and men have become enemies.
There are two kinds of gods or spirits: God the creator, who is life, and an evil spirit, who is a created being.
Each kind of god has both a parent-god and a child-god. The god who exists inside of a person is the child-god. A person (body) is like the house for a god.
A god is a spirit and the soul is life. Even if the god leaves, a person is able to breathe and live if he still has the soul. When both the god and the soul leave, the person dies. However, even if a body is dead, the spirit is still alive. We cannot know God if we do not know about religion. Man (Adam), who was created and was the child-god of the Creator (Acts 17:29), became a living spirit after receiving the breath of life (Gn 2). However, as a result of receiving the evil spirit of the dragon, who is a created being, the living spirit and the evil spirit became one. This caused confusion, anxiety, and pain. The soul and the spirit left, the flesh returned to the dust and became dust (Gn 3).
People who are born with the genes of the first man (Adam) are the people who have been living on this earth until today. When man, who is the child-god of God, receives another god, the parent-god, who gives life, leaves and after living the life they are left with, the man dies.
As a result of inherited sin and personal sin accumulating on top of original sin; sin increased and our lifespan became shorter (Gn 6:1-3; Ps 90:10). Because evil entered into life, pain and death also came into existence. By receiving another god, sin was committed and because of this sin, the holy God of life left men. The parent-god cannot come to people because of sin and people cannot go to the parent-god because of sin. This is how there came to be a division between heaven and hell.
Confirmation: I am dreaming. My spirit (god) that looks like me comes out from me, goes far away and wanders around. The spirit wanders around and is able to see and hear. My body’s soul, which is still within the body, is not dead and is still breathing. The spirit (god) and soul (life) are separated. The spirit which left even has the ability to fly. The soul which remains in my body lies still and breathes. When the soul (body), which is the house of the spirit, is shaken, the spirit comes back immediately. The spirit then lets the soul know what it has seen and heard. The child-god cannot receive help from the parent-god as a result of sin. One cannot know God through worldly knowledge or wisdom.
Since there are two kinds of gods, which give two kinds of thoughts of the heart, it causes confusion; and after suffering under this kind of captivity and pressure, the spirit leaves, the soul also leaves and only the body (house) is left to return to the ground.
Heavenly religion belongs to the parent-god and it is education which is given to the child-god. This education provides a way for the child-god to meet the parent-god and receive the breath of life. The spirit, which became a living spirit as a result receiving of the breath of life, became a dying spirit and soul as a result of receiving an evil spirit. How does it cause death? It sends all kinds of illnesses and destroys the inner parts of the body (house). Because the house is destroyed, the spirit leaves. By understanding religion, escaping from the evil spirit, and believing in the parent-god, who helps people to become living spirits, the body will be judged and die because of the original sin, hereditary sin, and personal sin, but the spirit will live by being encouraged through faith. This is due to a separation between the child-god and the evil spirit, which was with the child-god.
In order to save mankind, who is in this kind of state from the evil god, first the cost of sin must be paid (with the blood of a righteous man). The evil god must be overcome and one must overcome oneself. This is when one is able to find oneself once again, escape from the evil god and become one with the parent-god, who is the Creator and life. This is the path of religion. This does not occur simply by wishing for it, but rather, it is possible through the one who gives us the path and life (religion). It is similar to a reunification where an orphan finds and drinks the breast milk of his mother.
I have seen the God of heaven, have heard his voice, dreamed dreams and have experienced the spirit and the soul leaving my body. I have also experienced the spirit and the soul leaving and returning (to the body, which is the house of flesh) twice.
Both times I tried hard not to die. After the spirit and soul left, I did not think at all about the body, which was the house. With the same outfit I wore while I was alive, I was traveling somewhere on earth. This happened when I was walking on a path by myself. I do not remember for how long I had left the flesh. I was going far away and the moment I thought about the body, I was back in the body and came back to life again.
Conclusion: The proof of the parent-god is to look at oneself, who is a child-god. How can the son say the father does not exist because he has not seen him? The reason why the parent-god does not show himself is because the child-god has committed sin by uniting with another god. This is why the parent-god (holy spirit) has been groaning (Rom 8:19-27). If I wrote based on the evidence recorded in the Bible, I would have a lot more to say; but I have explained, as you can see above, so people who do not believe would also be able to understand.


24 answers of wisdom given by Chariman Man Hee Lee

24 answers of wisdom given by Chariman Man Hee Lee

Photo caption: Chairman Lee Byoungchul and Chariman Lee Manhee
24 questions of wisdom asked by Chairman Byoungchul Lee, founder of Samsung- answers of wisdom given by Chariman Manhee Lee
The Joongang Daily News published an article on December 17, 2011, which listed a series of questions the late founder of the Samsung Group, Byeongcheol Lee, asked about religion. The bold-print, front-page article has since drawn a lot of attention around Korea because Mr. Lee directed his 24 questions concerning religion, to a catholic priest a month before he passed.The world is paying careful attention, not only because the questions were asked by one of the top leaders in the global economy, but also because no one has been able to properly answer them for the last twenty-four years.The following article provides clear and definitive answers to Lee’s 24 questions about religion. It has been 24 years since these questions were asked, but the answers are finally being proclaimed to the public. Now the people of the world can find the truth they have been seeking.Religion and the mindset of the worldThere are two kinds of entities in the spiritual world. Of the two, I respect God and those who belong to him. In the physical world, I would like to acknowledge the Buddha, the eastern prophet Nam Sa Go, the Buddhist monk Seongcheol and Samsung’s Lee Byeongcheol because they are honest.Just as the Buddha questioned religion as he agonized over the difficulties of life, Lee Byeongcheol asked his questions about religion in emotional pain as he faced death. Neither of them had the ability to answer their own questions. The Buddha and Nam Sa Go could only speak about what they knew. Before we talk about God, we must first understand the origin of religion. Who can answer questions such as these correctly (1 Cor 2:10)?


The promised harvest: The true grain and the weeds


The promised harvest:
The true grain and the weeds
In the Bible, God promises to reap a harvest and separate the true grain from the weeds. Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), this harvest must take place. Where does this promised biblical harvest occur? Where does God judge the true grain and the weeds?
To answer these questions, we must know the how the promise was made and how it is fulfilled. God made many promises in the Bible, including the promise with Abraham (Ge 15:13-21). God made a covenant with Moses and his people, but they broke it (Ex 19:5-6; Jer 31:31-21; Heb 8:7-13). This is why Jesus made the new covenant (i.e. the New Testament) according to God's will. God promised Jeremiah that he would plant a seed (Jer 31:27), and roughly 600 years later, God sowed the spiritual seed of the gospel of heaven through Jesus Christ. This is how God fulfilled his promise in the Old Testament, but Jesus, who sowed the seed of heaven, also promised that the time of the harvest would come (Mt13:24-30, 36-43). That promise of Jesus is accomplished in the time of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rev 14:14-20).
Jesus sowed the good seed and then the enemy came to scatter the weeds. Thus, two kinds of seeds have been growing together in Jesus' field since the first coming. At the time of harvest, the weeds are bundled together and thrown into the fire, but the true grain are harvested to the kingdom of heaven. Who are these true grain? Is a true grain a person who is harvested or a person who remains in the field? Is a weed harvested or does it stay in the field? The field represents the church and its grain are congregation members. The weeds represent people who remain in their churches instead of being harvested. Why do they stay? They are bundled (like weeds) by their pastors so that they cannot be taken away (Mt 23:13). What happens to these people who remain in the field with their pastors? According to the Bible, they are thrown into the fire. These are the words of Jesus Christ (Mt 13:24-30). Anyone who claims that this is wrong must prove it using the Bible.
What, then, are the firstfruits that are harvested? The seed is the word of God (Lk 8:11), and the 144,000 firstfruits are born again of the word of truth (Jas 1:18; Rev 14:1-5). How and where are they born? They are born of the tree of life, which produces twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month(Jn 15:1-8; Rev 22:1-2). The fruit of the tree are the sons of God born of God's seed. The weeds are the sons of the devil (Mt 13:37-39). Anyone who does not accept the word of God belongs to the world, but anyone who listens to the word of God belongs to God (1Jn 4:5-6).
God prophesied to Jeremiah that he would plant the seed, and then Jesus and his disciples sowed the seed to fulfill that prophecy. Today, we go like a thief in the night to the fields where the seed was sown so that we can harvest the true grain (1Th 5:1-7; Rev 14:14-16). When we do this we act according to the Bible, that is, according to the prophecies and commands of Jesus that relate to the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. Those who are harvested belong to God and are considered true grain (i.e. God's sons born of God's seed). Those who remain in the field are the weeds that are bundled and burned. This is the word of judgment that allows us to distinguish God's children from the weeds (Mt 13:37-43; Jn 4:36-37).
The 12 tribes are the gathering place for the true harvested grain. There are people, however, who do not belong to the 12 tribes, but still claim to be orthodox. They still claim to have salvation and to have received the Holy Spirit, but they do not speak according to the Bible. If people who are not members of the 12 tribes claim to be orthodox, what should the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel say about themselves? This question is not even worth a response. These people must learn what the Bible really says. Believers in the end times must judge the truth from the lies using the Bible. Now is the time all believers must make the promises of the Bible our way, our truth, and our life.

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