
Creation of the Sun, Moon, & Stars in Heaven

Creation of the Sun, Moon, & Stars in Heaven
Main reference: Gn 37:9-11
How are the creation and the re-creation of the sun, moon, and stars different in the Old Testament and the New Testament? According to Genesis 1 in the Old Testament, on the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and stars in the expanse, which was in the middle of the waters. How are these sun, moon, and stars different from the sun, moon, and stars appearing in Matthew 24:29? What do they mean?
The creation, the end, and the re-creation of the sun, moon, and stars in the Old and New Testaments use the logic of the natural world figuratively. The sun, moon, and stars in the Bible are the physical realities of the creation of the kingdom of heaven.
According to the Bible, there are hidden mysteries in the contents of Genesis (Ps 78:2). Jesus spoke in parables in accordance with this promise of God, and he made them known to the future generations (Mt 13:34-35). Jesus also promised he would no longer use this figurative language, but would speak plainly about the Father when the time promised by God comes (Jn 16:25). In fact, according to that very promise today is the time when the word is being made known plainly.
This is God’s promise and His will. Furthermore, there is a time when people are not supposed to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. At a time when those secrets are made known, there are people who are permitted to know them, and there are people who are not permitted to know them.
God has begun His work of restoration since the fall of Adam, and this work has gradually been fulfilled since the time of Abraham. The law was given at the time of Moses; the gospel of heaven was preached in parables at the time of Jesus; and today, the testimony of the physical fulfillment of Revelation is being proclaimed. This is how the work of restoration has been gradually fulfilled.
Genesis 1 does not refer to the creation of the natural world, and yet, God uses the logic of the natural world figuratively to refer to the re-creation of God’s kingdom. There was the corrupt heaven and earth on the first day in Genesis 1. In the midst of this corrupt world, God found one light, and He created heaven on the second day, and He created earth on the third day. On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and stars in the expanse, which He had created in the middle of the waters. From this time on, seasons, days, and years started to be marked, and the sun and moon started to govern the day and night. Beginning from Moses’ time, things were, and have been re-created at the time of both, the first and second comings of Jesus.
The dream which God gave to Joseph was concerning the sun, moon, and stars (Gn 37:9-11). This sun, moon, and stars represent the chosen people, the Israelites. The tabernacle of these chosen people was heaven and God’s kingdom of promise.
On the first day in Genesis 1, the earth was formless and empty, and the heaven above was dark. Afterwards, God created heaven and earth again, and He made the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day to govern the world. This is the creation and the re-creation.
The fact that one generation becomes corrupt and comes to an end indicates the end of the light, the sun, moon, and stars. The sun, moon, and stars are re-created so they can govern in the new heaven and new earth.
At Jesus’ first coming, the Physical Israelites became corrupt and came to an end. It was the end of the Israelites, who were the figurative sun, moon, and stars. Thus, it was also the end of the sun, moon, and stars. At Jesus’ second coming, the sun, moon, and stars also become dark and fall. This is the end of the Spiritual Israelites. The Lord said He would come back after this event takes place.
The sun, moon, and stars are supposed to be in the sky, but the reason they fall to the ground is because of their corruption, and they are brought to an end. The Physical Israelites, the sun, moon, and stars at the first coming came to an end, and the Spiritual Israelites were created through Jesus, the one who overcame (Israel). These Spiritual Israelites are the sun, moon, and stars which are re-created. These sun, moon, and stars, the Spiritual Israelites, also becomes defiled at the Lord’s second coming, and they come to an end just as Revelation 6 and Matthew 24 prophesy.
Before they become defiled, they belong to heaven, but when they become corrupt, they fall to the ground and become part of the earth.
The one who receives a white stone in Revelation 2 judges and brings to an end the betrayers of the Spiritual Israelites (those who fell to the earth) and the beast-like pastors, the destroyers. Afterwards, the twelve tribes of God’s kingdom are created. This is the re-creation of the new heaven and new earth, the sun, moon, and stars. Six thousand years of God’s work proves that He brings to an end the previous generations that went wrong or became degraded, and He re-created a new generations in each and every era. Since mankind is worse than any insects, due to their corruption and sin, how could they perceive the signs of heaven? Are not even rats and frogs able to read the signs of heaven?
All things on earth live from the things of heaven. There is the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. There is air, rain, winds, and clouds in the sky as well. They grant life to all living things on earth. Among all things on earth, we as people also live as a result of the things of heaven.
God’s family, the Israelites, is symbolized by the sun, moon, and stars because their duties are to shine light, brighten up the earth, and to give life. Despite having such duties as light, they betrayed and conducted evil, and therefore, they are no longer able to shine the light. This is why they can no longer dwell in heaven and are thrown away. This is the situation of the Spiritual Israelites who sinned.
Since they have been thrown away from heaven and have become night, how can they understand what is of heaven? According to 1 Thessalonians 5, there is light, and there is darkness. There is night, and there is day. Those who sleep do so at night, and those who work, work during the day.  The children of night (darkness) and the children of day (light) differ from one another, in terms of their affiliation. This very word, in fact, is being fulfilled today in the reality of the New Testament.
The reason why people persecute is because they dwell in darkness, they are ignorant of the word of our Lord. They belong to evil, and that is why they conduct evil. Shincheonji has overcome sin, wickedness, the devil, and untruth. For that reason, God is with Shincheonji. They are the chosen people who have been re-created to be the sun, moon, and stars of heaven. God has permitted us to know the deep things of heaven. Having become the light of life, we are shining in this earth and giving the light of life to the family of darkness, just as John 1:4 describes. We are giving this light of life, only to those who wish to receive.
Shincheonji, who has received the revelation of the New Testament, knows this well. God has descended upon the one who overcomes in accordance with the promises in the Bible (Rv 2, Rv 3). Unless they are dead, everyone will know well that God is accomplishing His will through the one who overcomes. Evil men are born of the seed of the devil, and they belong to the devil. Good men are born of the seed of God, and they are the family who belongs to God.
We belong to heaven. Let us complete our duties of heaven. We must carry out our duties as the light of heaven, the sun, moon, and stars, the duties as the saviors, just like God and Jesus. We must not forget all things can live only when we do all our duties entrusted to us, just like the air, rain, clouds, and winds. These are the duties of the family who belongs to heaven. We must not be like the devil or beasts. The flesh dies due to the sins of each person, and it also lives due to the grace each person received. God feeds and clothes all things in heaven and on the earth. Does God not love His own family more than them?
The new heaven, which God and we are creating today, is the eternal kingdom that remains forever. The qualification for living with the Lord in this kingdom eternally is to resemble the image and the likeness of God. Do not become worthless people like animals. Keep in mind, God’s family is the light of life. I pray that all of us choose to become this light.

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