Main references: Mt 23 , 24
What is religion? What is betrayal, and who is a rebel in a religious sense? ‘Religion’ refers to the education given from, and about, the one and only God, the Creator. ‘Betrayal’ refers to the act of turning ones back from the word of religion (taking the opposite path). A ‘rebel’ or a ‘traitor’ refers to a created being that exalts themselves above the Creator, and opposes the Creator in order to become a ruler.
God created the world of spirits first, and then He created the physical world (flesh). The created ‘god’, that is, an angel, is God’s ministering spirit (Heb 1:14). God created the physical world through the angels (Gn 1:26). Since God created all things, God becomes the Father of all things, and the Creator.
According to what is recorded in the scriptures, the serpent is the devil, Satan, and the dragon (Rv 12:9; Rv 20:2). He was the creature created by God, and he was one of the wild animals (Gn 3:1). The serpent, which was created, deceived Adam and Eve. How did he deceive them? He deceived them with the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve did not keep God’s word, but instead she believed in the word of the serpent and ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. She also gave it to her husband Adam, to eat (Gn 2-3). The fruit of good and evil refers to two types of doctrines, both good and evil, being mixed together as one. When the serpent betrayed God, he first became good and evil. He also gave Eve the fruit of good and evil, the lie, which would cause people to betrayal, and had her eat that fruit. The fact this serpent deceived Eve with his greed to become higher than God (Jas 1:15), is the same as opposing God.
Let us briefly examine the fruit of the tree of life. According to James 1:18, it says, “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created.” These firstfruits are the 144,000 firstfruits of the twelve tribes in Revelation 14. These are the fruits of the tree of life in Revelation 22, which bears twelve kinds of crops every month. This tree of life symbolizes Jesus.
Just as it has been discussed above, the tree which makes known good and evil was the serpent, and the fruit of good and evil was the false word (teaching), and the mentality of the serpent. God’s word is life (Jn 1:1-4), but the word of the serpent is death.
Who is the serpent, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Who was he that Eve believed in his word? The serpent told Eve she would surely not die, even if she ate the fruit of good and evil, and that she would become like God.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 and Ezekiel 28 explain about someone who proclaims himself to be God. Since the scriptures say this person sits in the holy temple of God, he is a leader among the pastors in the religious world. The books of Jude and 2 Peter 2 makes references to the fallen angels who did not keep their positions of authority and abandoned their own home. The guardian cherub in Ezekiel 28 called himself God. This cherub was full of wisdom and a perfect seal. He was adorned with every precious stone, and he was anointed by God. He was in God’s Garden of Eden and walked among the fiery stones. He was blameless because God appointed him, but wickedness was found in him. This cherub was one of the four living creatures. The four living creatures are the archangels who have many heavenly hosts under them (refer to Ez 10). In this way, this cherub became arrogant and proclaimed himself to be God. Since he was the archangel whom God appointed, Eve believed in his word and ate the fruit of good and evil.
God appointed Eve as a helper for her husband Adam, but Eve ended up doing something which killed Adam. God appointed Eve just as he appointed the serpent (the cherub in the Garden of Eden), but Eve betrayed God just as the serpent did. This is how sin entered into people from the angel. ‘Man’ is like heaven, whereas ‘woman’ is like the earth, and represents one of the parts of the body. A woman boasting and ruling over a man is an action which is like Eve who sinned. This is why women in Christianity were not treated well (refer to 1 Cor 14:34).
The main references for this article, Matthew 23 and 24 bear the same meaning. However, Matthew 23 contains the events of the first coming whereas Matthew 24 contains the events for the second coming.
At the time of the first coming, the serpent-like Pharisees (the serpent from Eden), took over Jerusalem. They were sitting in and ruling over the holy temple (Mt 23:2, 33). Even at the time of the second coming, the pastors of Babylon, which is the kingdom of the serpent (the dragon), took over Jerusalem, the temple of Spiritual Israel, and they stood in the holy temple. During the first coming, Jerusalem, the temple of Physical Israel, faced its end. The destroyers were the Pharisees who took over the temple and stood in the holy place. The people, who were destroyed due to their betrayal, were the Jews in Jerusalem who worshiped the Pharisees. This took place just as it was prophesied in Isaiah 1. Likewise, the destruction and the end at the second coming, is upon the tabernacle of heaven (Tabernacle Temple)—spiritual Jerusalem, the temple of Spiritual Israel (Rv 13). The destroyers were the pastors of Babylon, the seven heads and ten horns of the dragon, that is, the Stewardship Education Center. All this took place according to the prophecies recorded in Revelation 13 and Matthew 24.
Both at the first and the second coming, one generation came to an end, and the promised new generation began. Since the prophesied events were fulfilled, the saints must believe in the words of promise and keep those promises. In doing so, they will be able to attain salvation. If one adds to and/ or subtracts from the promised Revelation, how can they recognize when the Lord fulfills the promises? They will not receive salvation because they will be unable to recognize the betrayers, destroyers, and the promised pastor, the savior. They will not be able to recognize even if the destroyers stand in the holy altar. They will drink the wine of adulteries the destroyers give, and stagger as a result (Rv 17).
God and His Son, Jesus, came to the world at the first coming. Jesus made known the betrayers (the pastors of the Physical Israelites), the destroyers (the Pharisees), and the savior (Jesus himself). Jesus also testified about the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Today at the second coming, God, Jesus, and heaven have come to this earth. The promised pastor, the one who overcomes, and who is sent in the name of Jesus, has also come. This messenger of the promise has made known and testified about today’s betrayers and destroyers. He has also made known the fact of who the savior is, and he has testified about how the promised Revelation has been fulfilled. What else do you wish to be fulfilled besides this? What else do you wish to know more besides this?
The prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled. The promises of God and Jesus have come to pass and have come to an end. The testimony is also finished. At a time like this, there are people who believe, and there are people who do not believe. It is only those who believe who will be able to attain salvation. The kingdom of promise, which was God’s promise and His will, has been created according to Revelation 7 and 14. One generation was put to an end due to its betrayal (Rv 13), and an eternal new generation has begun, that is, the era of Shincheonji (i.e. new heaven and new earth) (refer to Mt 19:27-29). Those who do not believe in the Bible are not believers. Those who do not keep the promise cannot attain salvation. What we must believe and keep is the New Testament.
I (the promised pastor) did not receive teachings from this world. I was ignorant, and yet, I considered God and God’s word my life. I obeyed them and believed in them. Heaven knows this, and the earth knows this as well. I was nobody, the most foolish and worthless person from the world’s perspective. I was on the bottom, ranked the lowest among all people. They did not like looking at me because I was worthless. One day, I was led by a spirit and started to practice my faith. There was a time when I was harshly persecuted without any reasons. I was in agony and attempted to commit suicide three times. Every time I tried to die, death seemed to get away from me. Even now this world hates this worthless person, but it does not really hate me; it hates the work I have done, and it hates the Lord who has accomplished this work (refer to Jn 15:18-24). I will do all the duties which were given to me; I will do them with the Lord. I do not seek any glory for myself. Any shallow tricks would not work on me.
Among the people who were taught by me, some of them rebelled. There have been quite a few people who have done this against me. Their life of faith was not a true life of faith. It was about greed and authority. All I want is faith, obedience, and love. Whoever strays away from these things is an enemy. Every moment I think about God’s work. I hope no one would even attempt to think about how to use me, or deceive me, or abandon me because I am ignorant and worthless. I own nothing. I do not even have my own life. I, who have been born again, want to live with God eternally in heaven forever.
What I must make known to this generation is the kingdom of heaven in Revelation 21.
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