
The Born Again People of Heaven

The Born Again People of Heaven
Main references: Jn 3:3-6, 1:13
Who are the born again people of heaven? How can a person who was born of sin become the child of the creator?
As people, who are born of sin, are born again and clothe themselves with God’s image and likeness, they resemble God’s characteristics and become new creatures, the children of God (refer to Jn 3:3-6). These people are the born again people of heaven. A person, who was born of sin, becomes the child of God, the creator, by washing his sin through God’s seed, which represents the word (refer to Mt 26:28; Rv 1:5-6). The goal of believers, their faith, hope, and God’s will, and even His new work, is having people born again of God’s seed.

God made a man, who was mere dust (Adam), become a living spirit through the breath of life (Gn 2:7). However, this man, Adam, was deceived by the wild serpent (the devil), and Adam’s world became the possession of Satan. Furthermore, God had to leave the world (Gn 3, 6), and Satan came to rule over the world (Mt 4:8-9; Lk 4:5-6; Eph 2:2). For the last 6,000 years, God the creator has been working to restore the world that betrayed and fell into sin and wickedness. God created Noah’s world, but it did not work out. Afterwards, God made promises to Abraham and created Moses’ world, the Israelites, but they betrayed again during the time of Solomon. They worshiped gentile gods just like Adam, and ended up becoming like Adam. In short, the worlds of Adam, Noah, and Moses walked on the same path of betrayal. All of them betrayed and worshiped pagan gods because they were born of the same genes of Adam, the sinner, and thus they bore the same ideology and the same wickedness.
God gave the Israelites the law to prevent them from sinning, but it did not do away with their sin. Therefore, God promised a new work and fulfilled it through Jesus. The new work started through Jesus (Jer 31:22; Mt 1:18-22). This new work was to have people who are born again of God’s seed, which is the secret of the kingdom of heaven (Lk 8:11), become God’s children (Jn 1:12-13).
People born of the seed of Adam and the serpent, are the family of Satan; it was the world of Adam. People born of the seed of Noah were the family and the world of Noah. Those who were born of the seed of Abraham were the family of Abraham and the world of Moses. These are the worlds, which continued through the natural descent of sinners.
 Those who are born of God’s seed are God’s children and His family, and they are the kingdom of God. Since they were not born of the genes of Adam, who was the sinner, they are not the ones who betrayed. The past four thousand years of biblical history from Adam was the history of betrayal; but since Jesus, the seed of the gospel of heaven has been sown into the whole world (Mt 24:14). Today, it has been roughly 2,000 years since the seed was planted. God’s world, the kingdom of heaven, is being accomplished by harvesting the fruit of the seed, which was previously planted. This world, which belongs to God, is the twelve tribes of Shincheonji. People of this kingdom were not born of man’s seed, but born of God’s seed through faith. Just as Jesus and his disciples were faithful and devoted without betraying God, and just as they walked on the path of sacrifice, these people, born of God’s seed, are also His faithful and devoted children. They are different from those who are born of the seed of the sinner, the serpent. They do not betray.
The law given through Moses was like a children’s (elementary) teacher, which led people to Christ. People were held as prisoners and locked up until the faith, which should be revealed, comes. However, they are no longer under the law when the faith that should be revealed appears. They become the children who will receive God’s inheritance by being born again of the seed of faith (Gal 3:23-28). They are the children and the family of God who are born through God’s seed, which is the secret of the kingdom of heaven. The world, which is coming, is their world. They are the only ones who are qualified for entering into heaven.
About 2,600 years ago, God prophesied through Jeremiah He would plant His seed. Roughly 600 years later, this seed was planted through Jesus. Today, about 2,000 years after this seed of faith was sown, Jesus has returned and has harvested and sealed people according to his promises. Through this work, the new kingdom of God’s promise is being created. Come and see!
It says in John 6, people will attain eternal life if they eat the living bread, manna, coming from heaven. This manna was Jesus. Jesus was without sin. He was the word in the beginning. He was the word of life, the food of life, and the bread, which led people to eternal life. Approximately 2,000 years after Jesus’ ascension, this bread, manna, has been given to the one who overcomes today, according to the promise in Revelation 2. Jesus promised, through the new covenant in Luke 22, we would be able to eat this again when the kingdom of God comes.
The kingdom of God is the creation of the twelve tribes, which are harvested and sealed in Revelation 7 and 14. It is only from this place the revealed word, the new song, comes out. This is the hidden manna (Rv 2:17). The blood and the flesh of Jesus, in John 6, take on its full effect in the book of Revelation. The kingdom, priests, and the people dressed in white clothes are made through the blood of Jesus (Rv 5:9-10, 7:9-14). People also were able to overcome the battle with the devil, through the blood of Jesus (Rv 12:11). In short, the blood Jesus shed was necessary for the creation of God’s kingdom, the twelve tribes.
Only the pastor who has received the living bread, manna, all the saints on earth must eat, can give it to God’s people. They will gain eternal life by receiving and eating this manna. Can anyone deny this fact? Why do people love those who do not have the food of eternal life, those who are always busy cursing, backbiting, persecuting, and feeding others untruth? Such actions are not leading people to eternal life, but to murder and death. Can anyone say he does not know this?
Today is the era of the theology of the revelation, the living bread from heaven. Shincheonji, which was promised by God, is teaching the revealed word, the manna of heaven, and it is proclaiming heaven and eternal life. Just as it is written in Revelation 2 and 3, the Korean Christian churches have become those who oppose God, and those who are insulting, cursing, and persecuting others. They are preaching commentaries and untruth, which is not the Bible. Which of these two groups is the true orthodoxy acting upon God’s will?
Puppies follow dogs, and the children of man follow man. Those who are born of God’s righteous seed will go to God, whereas those who are born of the devil’s seed will follow the unrighteous devil and also carry out lawless acts.
Believers must be born again of God’s seed in order to become God’s family and His sons. Only when they are born again of God’s seed, can they also attain heaven and eternal life. This is the promise in the new covenant, that is, the New Testament. This is what Shincheonji is working for.
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[Shincheonji] The Beginning and the End of Physical Israel & Spiritual Israel

The Beginning and the End of
Physical Israel & Spiritual Israel
Main reference: Is 1 (Rv 21)
What were the beginning and the end of Physical Israel and Spiritual Israel?
● The beginning and the end of Physical Israel
The Physical Israelites started with the twelve sons of Jacob, the descendants of Abraham and Isaac. God established a covenant with these people (Ex 19:5-6; Gn 15).
This was the beginning of the Physical Israelites. After having made the covenant with God, however, they became corrupt and rebellious and broke the covenant just like Adam. Consequently, the gentiles held the people of Physical Israel captive.
God made this known to the Old Testament prophets and promised to establish a new kingdom. Roughly 600 to700 years later, God appointed Jesus, and through him, God judged and brought an end to the Physical Israelites who betrayed the covenant (Lk 16:16). This was the end of Physical Israel.
● The beginning and the end of Spiritual Israel
Spiritual Israel started with the twelve disciples of Jesus after he came, judged, and brought to an end the Physical Israelites who betrayed. God established a new covenant with His chosen people.
Jesus proclaimed to the world, for the last 2,000 years, Spiritual Israel would come to an end just as it says in Matthew 24, Revelation 13 and 16, and a new kingdom would be created according to Revelation 7 and 14. Today, Jesus has returned and judged the Spiritual Israelites who became corrupt, and violated the covenant. After having put them to an end, Jesus has created New Spiritual Israel. This is the end of Spiritual Israel and the beginning of New Spiritual Israel.
The Spiritual Israelites, who have been judged today, are well aware of the worlds of Adam and Noah (the times of Noah and Lot) and of the Physical Israelites during Jesus' first coming. Despite knowing of these times well, the Spiritual Israelites have also become degraded just like the people of those times past, and they are hindering the work of the second coming. They are doing such work because the very spirits which entered the persecutors at the time of the first coming have entered into the Spiritual Israelites, and they have turned out to be even more wicked.
Considering their actions, they seem to be like the devil who lost his mind instead of acting like believers. Although this is the true situation they are in, they still regard themselves as the best believers. They thoughtlessly treat anyone who is not part of them as a heretic, just like the people during Jesus' first coming.
The twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel have been established today through Jesus' blood, and they have been created through God's word of revelation, which is the greatest biblical knowledge in the history of all mankind. They have become the word, just like God and Jesus, because they have been born of the seed of God's word.
Shincheonji people have been born again of God's seed and the holy spirit, according to the will of God (Mt 7:21; Jn 3:1-6). They have been created according to the promises of the New Testament (the new covenant). Everything has been created according to the Bible.
In other words:
1) They have been born of God's seed.
2) They have been harvested.
3) They have been sealed with the names of God and of Jesus.
4) They have not added to and/or taken away from Revelation.
5) They have been registered in the twelve tribes, the new kingdom of God's promise.
6) Their names have also been registered in the book of life.
“Shincheonji”, (the new heaven and new earth in Rv 21:1), is a name of the new kingdom of the new era. “The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony”, is the promised temple where all nations will come and worship. The sealed 144,000 are the priests of the new kingdom purchased by the blood of Jesus. The great multitude who dressed in white is also washed by the blood of Jesus. They are the promised citizens of heaven in the new kingdom.
Just as Jesus overcame the devil and the world during the first coming, today, the one who fought against Satan's group and overcame them (Rv 12) has received the promises in Revelation 2 and 3. According to those promises, he received the food of eternal life and has fed the twelve tribes of Mt. Zion. The blood of Jesus is this food of eternal life, the word of revelation (i.e. the revealed word).
The twelve tribes of the new spiritual kingdom is the tree of life in Revelation 22. They are bearing twelve kinds of fruit every month. The leaves of this tree are for healing of all nations. 
Despite the fact Shincheonji is being intensely persecuted, mocked, and hindered by Babylon (the nation of evil spirit: Rv 17, 18), the congregation members of the existing churches are swarming to Shincheonji. They were once in the places, which became arid because of the corruption, and when they heard the word of the water of life, they ran to Shincheonji. Now having been born again of the revealed word, they are giving glory to the Lord. The Christian Council of Korea has witnessed this. However, instead of repenting, they made commentaries with personal interpretations on the book of Revelation, and they hand out these commentaries and teach their members with them. They do such work thinking, if they teach their members Revelation, then it would stop them from going to Shincheonji. Those commentaries, in fact, are not the Bible, but are the words of the devil himself and his explanations, rather than the explanations of the holy spirit. They are false testimonies. What has straw to do with grain? (refer to Jer 23:28)
God is the one who prophesied the book of Revelation, and He is the one who has fulfilled it. It is not man, but God alone who allows us to know the secrets recorded in the Bible. It is only the messenger who speaks on behalf, the promised pastor, one person, who is capable of testifying about the prophecies and their fulfillment. Look at the promises in the Bible. It is only one person, the one who overcomes, who eats the revealed scroll and receives the command.
This is the promise of the Bible, and yet, people gather to create books containing personal interpretations. Men have appointed pastors, and they are then asked to teach. How can this not be lawlessness? This is Satan's wine of adulteries, which has caused all nations to fall.
The Bible records one era (Spiritual Israel), comes to an end, and a new era (New Spiritual Israel), launches at the time of the Lord's second coming. If one wants to live, he must not follow the world, which is coming to an end, but follow the new world, which is coming.
If you do not believe in the promises of the Bible, what else do you believe? Let us believe, so we become the citizens of heaven in the promised kingdom. I pray, in doing so, everyone will be the people who serve the Lord forever.
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[SCJ Quote] God’s seed

"If we are born of God's seed and born as God's people,
then we must bear God's image and have God's features."
- Man Hee Lee-
For more information about God's Seed, Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee,

Shincheonji Cheoan Church Volunteer Service- Teenage Suicide Prevention Healing Campaign

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day by World Health Organization.
Republic of Korea has No.2 title in teenage suicide rate
among the OECD countries.
On 9/15/2013, Shincheonji Cheonan Church Volunteers were gathered
at Cheonan Top Park to have special event.
[Teenage Suicide Prevention Healing Campaign]
The programs for this event were the free hugs, art therapy sessions, writing suicide prevention pledges,  suicide prevention healing concert, and much more.
The main title for this campaign was
"You are the Hope to somebody at this very moment"

 Suicide! It can be prevented.
All we need are little bit of love and attention to one another.

Thank you, volunteers from Shincheonji Cheoan Church.
We all want to tell the word of love to the world.

Sin and Forgiveness

Sin and Forgiveness
God, the creator of the heaven and earth, left the world because of man’s sin (Gn 6:1-3). The God of love who left the world loved the world and so he sent his only holy child for the sinners (Jn 3:16). Jesus, the only holy child of God, gave up his life for the sinners according to God’s will (Mt 26:39, Mt 27). God and Jesus poured their utmost love to save lives that were lost in sin (Mt 1:21). Without this love the sins cannot be resolved so salvation was given through love rather than punishment. Although sinners deserve to die because of their sin, God’s love saves sinners.
Those who belong to God or those who are born of God will love others just as God does. This is because God is love. Therefore, those who do not love are proof that they were not born of God (1 Jn 4:7-10). Jesus, a righteous man, gave up his life for sinners and we should be thankful for this above all things and there is no greater love than this. The body that ought to be punished is forgiven through the blood of a righteous man and such love should be considered to be truly great. Only thing we can do is to be thankful forever. Those who realize this great love should love one another (1 Jn 4:11).       
If one cannot forgive others for committing small sins against him, then is he worthy of receiving atonement for his sins (refer to Mt 18:23-35)?  That person does not believe in God's love and the atonement of sins. Furthermore, he does not know about God's love and the atonement of sins, and he is a wicked person like a beast who does not even know how to be thankful about it.   
Jesus, who gave up his life for the sins of the world, promised sinners that one would be forgiven only if he forgives the sins of others (Mt 6:14-15, Mt 18:21-35). This is the new commandment (refer to Jn 13:34-35, 1 Jn 2:7-11) and promise. To keep this commandment is the path to atonement of sins and salvation, and this is God's teaching.
The reason why people slander, swear, curse and try to harm others by making up all kinds of lies rather than loving and forgiving is because they are controlled by Satan (Jn 8:44); it is not the true intention of men. These are pitiful and unfortunate people and such behavior is proof they were born to become Satan's children. Therefore, they should realize and repent and come out to the true path, the path of love and forgiveness so they can be saved.     
The author of this writing, who has understood about this situation, feels tremendous remorse just as Jesus did.  Therefore, the author prays for them without ceasing. 
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The Purpose of the Cross.

What a great time to reflect on the purpose of the cross. Why is it that Jesus had to bear the cross? Why did God allow the blood of His son to be shed? What is expected of us today?

2000 years ago Jesus shed his blood to atone for man’s sin (Heb 10:10-14). Through the sacrifice of one man the sins of many were taken away. This took place at the time of the first coming, but what does the rest of Hebrews 9:28 say concerning Jesus’ return?
“Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many;
and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”
When does salvation come? When can we truly claim to ‘be saved’?

2000 years ago Jesus shed his blood to atone for our sins so that today we can be made into the perfect and holy kingdom and priests of God, those who have been purchased by Jesus’ blood and sealed with the seal of the living God (Rv 5:9-10; Rv 7:2-4).

The 144,000 who have been sealed and born of God’s seed, the word of truth (Rv 7:4; James 1:18), are those who can sing the new song (Rv 14:3).

If you don’t know what the ‘new song’ is, can you sing it?

Those who are singing the new song, the 144,000,  are gathered at Mount Zion, together with God and Jesus (Rv 14:1).

Today is the time when we can learn the new song!
Today we must be those who are harvested and sealed according to the prophecies in the New Testament (Mt 13: 24-30; Rv 14:14-16; Rv 7:2-4).

What was God’s hope and desire as He allowed the blood of His son to be shed?

God desires to create His eternal kingdom here on earth, as it is in heaven, His holy nation and treasured possession, His kingdom of priests (Ex 19:5-6), those who have been purchased with the blood of  Jesus.

Today is the time when Jesus’ blood comes into full effect. Today is the time we can truly receive salvation.

Have you been purchased? Have you been harvested and sealed? Can you sing the new song?
Now is the time! Let us not be like those living at the time of Noah, who lost the opportunity of salvation by not getting on the Ark because they did not recognize or understand the time they were living in.

Let us be those who fulfill God’s hope!

This article is from http://healingleaf.wordpress.com/
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Shincheonji 'The book of Revelaton' Sand Art.

I know... The Book of Revelation....
It has been regarded as one of the most difficult book in the Bible to understand.
You can go through the book of Revelation in 5 min.
Watch this Video....
What you see is what The Book of Revelation is all about....
Do you need more information about The Book of Revelation and Shincheonji?
Shincheonji is the only church in the world where you can hear the true story of The Book of Revelation.
Why????? Only Shincheonji has the fulfillment according to the Bible.
Please listen and judge for yourself.


Religion and Its Founder.

Religion and Its Founder
Whose will is recorded in the Old and the New Testament? What is religion, and who is its founder? Why can’t we understand the meaning of the Scriptures with knowledge of the world? How is the end result of believers different from that of unbelievers?
Religion (宗敎) means “the highest teaching.
Who created religion?
Religion was created by God (
Holy Spirit), and the proof can be found in John 1:1-2.  The founder of religion, therefore, is God the Creator. That is why the Catholic Church is called Cheonjugyo (天主敎)*. Hence, to call a man who merely follows religion the founder of it is against the law and a lie. Whether it is a newly-rising or a traditional church, the leader of a church cannot be the founder. The name Church of Jesus reveals that its founder is Jesus, and the name Cheonjugyo shows that Cheonju (the Lord of heaven) is the founder. Usually, cults use the word “founder” to persecute others. However, anyone who uses such a word proves that he himself is a cult and speaks lies. For example, even though a tenant of a vineyard is entrusted with a vineyard, this does not make him the owner of it. If a church calls itself the so-and-so church of the Church of Jesus in Korea, that means the founder of this so-and-so church is Jesus. If a person labels the leader of a church as a founder despite the fact that the church calls itself the Church of Jesus, that person has to realize he is a false believer. A person should be referred to as a representative, the one in charge, a pastor, elder, or be called by his personal name. Churches and Christians must act in accordance with the will of God (Holy Spirit). This is the true life of faith that professes to believe in God.  
Just because a person possesses a lot of knowledge of this world, it does not mean that he can correctly understand the meaning of the Scriptures. Furthermore, what God has prophesied, God fulfills. We are able to understand the meaning of the prophecies after God fulfills it and explains it to us. There is a vast amount of contents recorded in the Bible, including history, moral teachings, prophecy, and fulfillment. Among them, prophecy is something to be fulfilled in the future, and therefore, there is an appointed time when it is fulfilled.
 God gave us the prophecies in advance so that people would believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29).
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