Shinchonji Truly is Shinchonji
Main Reference : Rv21
What is the meaning of Shinchonji and what kind of a place is it?
Shinchonji means new heaven new earth (Rv21:1), which means that one world has ended and a new world arrived. And this new world is the promised kingdom of heaven, a paradise on earth. Shinchonji was the prophesized world in religion.
Established in 1984, Shinchonji joined hands with MANNAM Volunteer Association and engaged in many volunteer work throughout the years. Since 2009, the organizations held large scale social events various times, and the size of it was an event of heaven. These events are unique in the sense that it cannot be done but anyone else as it was of heaven and it touched people’s hearts.
Last year on September 16th in Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium, Shinchonji and MANNAM co-hosted the world scale "World Peace Festival- Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light" which was a celebration for all global village and to send a hopeful message of peace. The event demonstrates that world peace and the restoration of light can be achieved and provided many evidence.
On this day the international media from all around the world, reporting the event in a fast pace manner to its presidents and relevant organizations (similar to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea), national broadcasting systems. The images of the World Peace Festival were shown to their citizens several times, spreading the names of the representatives of Shinchonji and MANNAM to all corners of the world.
Also, the fact that the promise(gospel of kingdom of heaven) which was spread from the west was fulfilled in Korea was proclaimed back to the west. This was first announced to Europe, secondly to Europe and the U.S. and thirdly to Africa. Due to this, people came to know the name of Shinchonji and the chairman. A renown broadcasting company named NBC reported that the promised pastor from the East has knock down the persecuting pastors with the words of truth. And reports of him began to flow from here and there.
International reporters that came to the festival and countries we visited asked do interviews and live TV programs. On TV, Shinchonji and MANNAM were introduced continuously and their names were made known throughout the world.
At the same time in December in Korea there was presidential election. False information circulated claiming that Shinchonji and Senuri Party candidate were one which made number one searched issue on major Korean search engines (Daum, Naver etc.). This helped people know the name of Shinchonji even more, both internationally and domestically. We believe that this was all God's work to fulfill his work faster.
We are purely a non-governmental association and a religious entity respectively.However, we visited the embassies of the countries we were planning to visit before we left to the countries we were invited to let the presidents of the countries visiting know that we were coming.
During the meeting with the presidents, we showed them various volunteer work both Shinchonji and MANNAM had done together around the world, and how Chairman Lee of Shinchonji set an example during the Semaeul Movement which shaped the Korean economic development. Not only did he took the initiative, but he always asked the presidents to cooperate for the Korean reunification and to participate in signing a section on world peace and ending all wars in the international law.. Presidents who heard this were surprised by the enthusiasm Chairman Lee of Shinchonji showed toward world peace and was more than glad to join in and even asked what more they can do to be part of this. After the meeting, the presidents suggested to become close friends and to keep in touch as brothers.
Afterwards, Chairman Lee didn't forget to visit the Korean War veterans from Ethiopia and thanked them on behalf of all Korean people. Chairman Lee himself is a Korean War veteran, who was positioned at the front line and fought with all his might to save Korea. Although he should be receiving service fee from the country for this service, he refused to as he could not forget the sacrifice so many young people had made through their blood. He promised himself and held large events in their memory several times to pay respect to their sacrifice. He received various awards and appreciation plaque from related organizations for the event he held (for world peace). Adding to this, he paid visit to the countries that participated in the Korean War and visited the veterans and gave them compensation, visited the memorial site to thanks and to remember them.
Such acts by Chairman Lee made the world perceive Korea in a different way, bringing the country into a new level. Secretaries, ministers, and reporters requested many times to meet Chairman Lee. He was glad to meet them for interviews and meetings. And each broadcasting companies continuously reported the visits and where the world peace delegation would be going next.
During the journey, not once did he stop sending out messages of world peace. One day he gave a speech at the morning prayer meeting of South Africa's National Assembly. And the people that were there at the meeting were amazed by the speech Chairman Lee gave. They were deeply touched that their mouth opened and couldn’t close them. They were moved by his effort towards world peace, and everyone promised to participate in the world peace restoration of light movement.
At the South Africa's capital Cape Town City Hall, he gave a speech and requested people’s participation in accomplishing the culture of heaven and bringing world peace. Citizens saw him to be very confident than any other peace movement activist ever seen before and that he is truly what the world had been waiting to achieve world peace. Everywhere the delegation of peace went, regardless of countries and religion, the culture of heaven can bring world peace and can bring everyone under one hope.
When the report on world peace, restoration of light through the culture of heaven prayer movement was introduced on TV, broad casting companies flocked from all over Africa to be guests on the show. Just in South Africa 20 TV and radio stations asked to be on their show, and the delegation appeared. Within one day, they appeared on more than 10 broadcasting shows.. As soon as the interview was finished, reporters from far away came to interview the delegation, and some even came to the rooms where they stayed for interviews. Even so, there weren't enough time to do all interviews.
Each time the news reporters and announcers interviewed Chairman Lee, they were very moved that at the end of the show or program they would ask to hug him and wouldn't leave right away but stayed. They wished toexpress how honored they were to have a chance to interview him. South African's national broadcasting company SABC's CEO even came running out to meet him and asked for a hand shake. One reporter was amazed by Chairman Lee's world peace activities and thought was similar to Nelson Mandela and wanted to keep interviewing him. And another producer of a national broadcasting company said all the journalists of the world should be in the front line to let people know of person like Shinchonji's Chairman Lee, and claimed that it was their job and duty. This behavior was the opposite compared to journalists and reporters of Korea who were blinded by the authorial power and money.
Many international media reported our names in their countries in so everyone knows our names there. A reverend who is a leader of many congregation members and another reverend that had forty million saints (members), all said that they would join the movement. This is as promised in the bible (Zec 8:23, Rv 7:9-10), fulfilling as God had promised.
80% of the population of South Africa are Christians, and even the reverends felt as though they were Christians. They didn't wear ties, and couldn't find any authoritative greed at all as they were pure believers. With great love and kindness all around, these people were true believers and true pastors of light. They were so different from those in Korea.
Frankly, they've already seen the slandering about Shinchonji on the internet. However, through the sermon given by the promised pastor, they opened their ears and their eyes twinkled, and couldn't hide the amazement when listening to the word of revelation. One pastor came to Chairman Lee to promised to be with him at the pastor’s meeting. He also said that through Chairman Lee’s visit to Africa, the continent is no longers a desolate land but a land of blessings. Another reverend spoke with his might that this word of revelation should not be told only in Africa but to the whole world and all people.. We wish that Korean reverends could come to this place and learn from them.
Within few days all people in the global village learned the names of Shinchonji and Chairman Lee. Shinchonji truly is Shinchonji.
There is nothing to boast about ourselves, but with God who is fulfilling the New Testament in short time, made the name known to the entire world. We truly felt the angels working with us. This is what every member of the delegation felt and agreed. Shinchonji is surely God's kingdom.
Also, there were five more presidents from other countries who requested to meet with Chairman Lee, but due to Korean election we had to return to home. There were many reporters waiting for our arrival, but they were not waiting for us in goodness, but to take pictures and report in bad way. We knew they would make up lies and try to hurt us. We thought about meeting them and fixing their wrong acts. Had they sent out our interview live, viewers would have known that the reporters are the liars right away. But we didn't meet them and went home. The wrong act of the false preacher and false reporters need to be corrected.
Although some Korean journalists are ignorant, countries in the west and famous Christian prophets say that Korea is the place for Jesus' second coming. The poet and ideologist of India, Tagore(1861-1941) prophesized that there will be a light from the East and Korea will be the center of the world. All these sayings are coming true through Shinchonji.
The world is taking interest in the promised pastor's next steps, and are hoping for world peace and restoration of light.Korean reporters and the religious world remain asleep. What would the Korean pastors do when the world flock to Shinchonji?
We will stay in Korea during January but after that, we will be going abroad again to meet presidents of the world who are waiting for us. We will become the light of the world to glorify God and to let God's will shine the light.
By achieving world peace and restoration of light through the culture of heaven, we can make the world new. This is because we are Shinchonji, where God is at.
For more information about Shincheonji, please visit
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