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The Signs of the End of Age (Mt 24)
1. Decieveness from men
2. War, Famines, Earthquakes
3. Betrayal, Hatred
4. Abomination of Desolation->Holy place->Flee to the mountains
5. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
6. Sun, Moon, Stars will fall from the sky.
2. War, Famines, Earthquakes
3. Betrayal, Hatred
4. Abomination of Desolation->Holy place->Flee to the mountains
5. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
6. Sun, Moon, Stars will fall from the sky.
Common Misunderstanding
1. Earthly Wars like World War II?
2. Earthly Famines? Nothing to eat?
3. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers? Should I have babies?
4. Sun, Moon, Stars falling to Earth? Those stars are bigger than Earth!!
5. The Mountains to Flee? Which ones?
2. Earthly Famines? Nothing to eat?
3. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers? Should I have babies?
4. Sun, Moon, Stars falling to Earth? Those stars are bigger than Earth!!
5. The Mountains to Flee? Which ones?
Do you want to know the truth about the signs of the end of the age?
You are Invited to...Shinchonji Bible Seminar
May 6 & 7, 2013 at 12 am & 5 am (CDT)
The Signs of the End of the Age
the Second Coming of Jesus
Reference: Mt 24-25, Jn 14:23-24 (summary)
24:3 “As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him
privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, when will this happen, and what will be the
sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
14:22-24 (verse 22) “‘… why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the
world?”/ (verse 23) “Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my
teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home
with him.’/ (verse 24) ‘He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These
words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent
first answered his disciples saying “watch out that no one deceives you” (24:4).
Also regarding this time, it is written in Rev 3 that it would be the hour of
trial that is going to come upon the whole world (Rev 3:10). At this time, the
road we should truly walk on and the teacher we should follow is only the Word
of God. God is the Word (Jn 1:1), Jesus is the Word (1 Jn 1:1), and the Bible is
the Word of God.
signs of the Lord’s Second Coming states that (spiritual) nation and (spiritual)
nation, (spiritual) kingdom and (spiritual) kingdom will rise against each
other, people will be handed over to be put to death and there will be famines
and earthquakes in various places (Mt 24:7-10). The love of most will also grow
cold because of the increase of wickedness, (Mt 24:12). Moreover,
it is said that the end will come when the gospel that Jesus shared with
his disciples on the Mount of Olives 2000 years ago will be preached in the
whole world in order to testify to all nations.
war between the two kingdoms mentioned previously is the war between two
spiritual kingdoms, a war of doctrines between the kingdom of God (believers)
and the kingdom of devil. The lawless pastor of Satan invades and wins, thus
standing in God’s holy place (refer to Mt 24:15, 2 Thess 2:1-4, Rev 13). At this
time, the ones who did not flee to the mountain (refer to Mt 24:16), the place
of salvation (Mount Zion, Rev 14), is a congregation member belonging to satan,
the trespasser. Also, disaster will be fall upon the pregnant and nursing
mothers (Mt 24:19), the pastors in the holy place of God. At this time, Jesus
said that those days of distress will be shortened for the sake of the elected
ones (Mt 24:21-22), and to be careful of false Christ and false prophets
deceiving the chosen ones (Mt 24:23-26). In such time of distress (war), the
spiritual sun, moon and stars (the family of chosen people) will darken and
fall, becoming the night (Mt 24:29). Also, Jesus made known the work that he
will do as he comes as a spirit like lightning with the angels (Mt 24:27, 31).
He says will come like a thief and take away people who are awake (refer to Mt
24: 42-44) and promised he will put in charge of all his possessions the one who
gives the believers (refer Rev 10:8-11) “the food at the proper time” (spiritual
food: words of Mt 24) at that time (Mt 24:45-27).
requirement for meeting Jesus, the coming bridegroom, is the lamp and oil. The
ones who are ready with these things can take part in the wedding banquet but
the ones who are not ready cannot participate (Mt 25:1-13). The lamp is God’s
Word, the Bible (Ps 119:105), the oil is the testimony of Holy Spirit (refer to
Ex 27:20, Zech 4:11-14, Rev 11:3-4). As it’s written in Mt 22, gathered are good
and bad people in the house of the wedding banquet of the lamb (Mt 22:1-14).
This is just like the sheep and goats (refer to Mt 25:31-33). At this time,
Jesus will bequeath the sheep like believers in the prepared location (Jn
14:1-3), heaven, according to the promise of John 14(Mt 25:34). The sheep-like
believers who inherited the kingdom of heaven are the ones who kept the Word of
the Lord as promised in John 14:23-24. For those who say “I have been saved, I
have received the Holy Spirit, and I am orthodox,” while not keeping the Word of
the Lord, there is neither heaven nor eternal life and they will not be able to
meet Jesus.
mentioned earlier, not everyone can come to Shinchonji, but only the ones who
are acknowledged through the Bible. Upon completion of studying the Bible (The
process of learning basic, intermediate, revelation) and passing a test of
300-400 questions of the key points can people then only be able to enter. We
the 12 tribes of Shinchonji are not without one thing from the Bible. The
creation of the 12 tribe is just as promised in the Bible (Rev 7) and the name
of the church is also as promised in the Bible (Rev 15). Just like God and Jesus
is the Word of life (Jn 1:1-5, 1 Jn 1:1-3), we have mastered the Bible, become
the walking Bible, and soon masters of revelation, we are the children of God
through revealed faith(refer to Gal 3:23-26).
You are Invited to...Shinchonji Bible Seminar
May 6 & 7, 2013 at 12am & 5am (CDT)
Live Broadcasting @ www.scj.tv
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