Appointed Task and Purpose
Main reference: Rv 21:6 (Jn19:30)
What is the appointed task and purpose of God and Satan? What are the grounds of duty and purpose for the pastors of God verses the pastors of Satan?
God’s mission is to fulfill his promise. The purpose is to establish God’s holy kingdom and nation and dwell there forever. However, Satan’s duty and purpose is to deceive, trick, and steal the world in an attempt to keep humankind as his own.
The appointed task given to God’s pastor on this earth is to keep God’s promise and to fulfill God’s will on this earth as it is in heaven. The purpose God desires is for the saints and believers to enter and live together in the eternal kingdom (God’s) of heaven. For this reason, he (God’s pastor) must contemplate on the promise words of God and endeavor to abide in them. On the other hand, the duty and purpose of Satan’s pastors are to hinder God’s pastor from accomplishing his appointed task. Satan attempts to protect and keep the world from being taken away from him.
Religion is not an education or knowledge of the world; rather, religion is teachings from heaven. (Jn 6:45). Since heaven is higher than the earth, the knowledge of heaven is higher than the knowledge of the earth.
Jesus said “it is written in the prophets: They will all be taught by God. Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me” (Jn 6:45). This is religion. On behalf of God, Paul relays “God did this so they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being ……. Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill” (Acts17:27-31).
Religious people believe God, because their there is a hopeful goal and purpose in their faith. If such is the case for believers of God, I would like to question them on how much they know about God and his scriptures.
Did they master the Bible? Did they see, hear, and learn from God? And are they offspring of God? Are they judging the Bible with their personal feelings and thoughts by saying “this is this” or “that is that”? God is the only one who truly knows if people are pretentious and wandering in darkness by not knowing the truth.
People must know the creator, God’s perspective and narrative. And they must understand the significance of the state of punishment the people undergo and of Satan’s authority and tyranny. If people don’t know the basics of God’s motif, then these people are not qualified to comment about God and religion. God created the heaven and earth and all creation. He made man and entrusted him over all things created. However, Satan tempted man, and, as a result, men became a part of Satan’s group. God lost all his creation and could no longer dwell with the human world. He worked for thousands of years to recover His world. However His work due to the sinful nature of people and their disbelief of the creator God’s word. The evidence of God’s work is the Bible, and the content of the bible is God’s means and promise.
What are the evidences in believing the true, divine, creator God and his words? There are a handful of records to this day starting from the origin of the progenitor of mankind (Adam: man). And within each generation, God fulfilled his promises, which is ample evidence. On this earth (especially in Asia), there are Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity. These three religions each have their own books (“classics”). However, all these religions share the same Creator. The religious leaders may be different, but God, who is one, is the same. Yet, do these religious leaders comprehend their own “classics” and believe it? No. They do not even know it themselves. Their belief of “Buddha, God” is based on their teachers’ beliefs. However, due to their lack of understanding amongst their own god and “classics” (books), they are incapable of going the straight path to a religious faith.
500 years ago before Jesus came, Buddha prophesied about the coming of Jesus and his marvelous words. Even Moses testified to Jesus arrival. Jesus testified about the advocate, the Holy Spirit, who would come in his name. (Jn 14:26) And with the Spirit of Truth, the advocate would come to guide and teach the word of truth (Jn 16:13). This is the prophecy about God’s angel, a promised pastor for each generation. Whoever does not follow the promise, they are using religion for one’s own business (Lk 20:9-15).
Do you think Buddha and his disciples went to the world of heaven? No. Whoever says ‘yes’ does not know about the book (“classics”) and speaks carelessly. Do you think past believers went to heaven? No. God worked to recover the original world (paradise) by saving sinful men through his pastors given at each generation for thousands of years, but the world has not been recovered.
Bulls and goats could not atone for sin (Heb 10:4). This means offerings according to the law does not lead to salvation (Heb 9:9-10). God prophesied through the prophets in the Old Testament and approximately 2,000 years ago, God fulfilled his promise through Jesus. The atonement for sin occurred when Jesus, the righteous one, shed his blood in place (of sinners). (Heb10: 1-14). The creation of a new generation and the new heavenly people were promised through Jesus when he sowed the seed of the gospel of heaven promised at the time of the harvest (Mt 13:24-30). Today, 2,000 years after sowing of the seed has passed, God and Jesus return to the field where the seeds were sown (Jesus’ church, the Christian world) to harvest the wheat-like saints born from the seed of God into heaven. There He establishes them (wheat-like saints) as His heavenly nation (people) (Rev14: 14-16). This is the testimony of the fulfillment of the New Covenant’s promise.
Before Jesus came on this earth, only the descendants of Abraham were considered people of God. These descendants who were born of the physical seed from the line of sinners(Adam).
However after Jesus, whoever was born (1Pe1:23) from the seed of God (word, Lk 8:11) was the children of God and had the privilege to enter into heaven (Jn 1:12-13). Just because one says “I am a Buddhist, I am a Christian, I am a good-believer, I know well” does not permit them into paradise or heaven. Only people born through the seed of God can enter into heaven. Just because one says “I was loyal, I believed in Jesus, I did good and righteous acts, I attended church without any absences, I gave a lot of offerings”, does not give them rights as an offspring of God (Acts17:29). Just as the seed of a man with a surname of “Kim” or “Park” gives birth to another “Kim” or “Park”, there is an offspring of God and an offspring of the flesh.
If the offspring of the flesh are not reborn from seed of God, then they cannot be God’s offspring. Only the one born again from God’s seed can be a part of God’s family and enter into heaven to live with God forever.
People insist on their own religion. This is truly like (watching) a comedy. Even though they claim (their religion is) truth, their faith is only based on scriptures of the physical (world) which is not of (true) religion. If they are not born from the seed of God, then there is no benefit.
God’s enemy is Satan. Satan impedes the work of God. He has acted in this manner for 6,000 years. Today, people who are of Satan are trying to rid God’s pastor by making false accusations and personal insults. They form “internet cafes” (blogs) in hopes to curse and persecute God’s pastor. This is an act of Satan.
Our Shinchonji, Church of Jesus, Temple of Tabernacle of the Testimony (“Shinchonji”) promised pastor has seen and heard the fulfillment of Revelation which God and Jesus promised. He has received the book of Revelation from heaven, and the people of Shinchonji have mastered the Bible. The promised pastor has testified to them all.
Shinchonji suggested a debate on the rights and wrongs about the explanation of Bible for many years, but no one has responded. Also, in an open (word) seminar, I explained, “I am not here to judge, but to receive judgment” and for them to point out the flaws. However, there has been no response of “No, you are wrong”. The reason they persecute behind (my back) is only to avoid damages to their own churches, which is now a business due to the development of their own denomination. This proves they are believers.
Today, if people do not receive the testimony of Shinchonji (word of Revelation), then they will not know Bible. They will not believe in accordance with God’s will. They will not be born again and, needless to say, will not be able to enter heaven. The churches of the world have turned into a business. In order to be reborn and to enter into heaven, they must be the certified temple of truth, world of justice and righteousness in Shinchonji’s principles. Shinchonji opens its door and accepts anyone who is seeking the (true) religious path to allow them to be reborn.
So, without any doubt, one should both listen and confirm the scriptures. Whoever is born with the seed of the Devil (the spirit of the Devil) is scared (of the truth); therefore, they dislike going near (to the truth). If one listens to Shinchonji’s word of truth, then their scarlet-like sins will be washed away. And the evil seed will be uprooted, and the house of the evil one will be destroyed. Then, the seed of God will be re-planted, and the house (temple) of God will be built where God can dwell. For this purpose, the Advocate of Shinchonji has appeared for this purpose.
A person who comes, listens, and realizes (the truth) is one who is blessed, and he or she will obtain the eternal life of heaven.
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