
[SCJ Quote] Gratitude

"The sun, moon, stars, clouds, and wind are found in the heavens.
Light, rain, and air are constantly provided from the sky
to all the creatures on the earth.
The sad fact is that, although the inhabitants of earth cannot survive without these things, they live without thought of gratitude for what they receive."
Man Hee Lee
For more information about Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee, please visit

The Man of Heaven & the Man of the Earth.

The Man of Heaven & the Man of the Earth

Main references: Phil 3:20-21 (Jn 15:18-27)
How is the man of heaven different from the man of the world (earth)?

The man of heaven is born of heaven through the seed of God. His image is like God and in His likeness (Gn 1:26). It is like the transformed image of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration (
refer to Mt 17). On the other hand, the man of the world is born from the world, the earth. His image is the image of the earth, the likeness of flesh.

The one born of heaven speaks and listens to the words of heaven, whereas the one born of the world speaks and listens to the words of the world. This is the difference between the one born of heaven and the one born of the world, the earth. Jesus, the son of God, referred to himself as the way, the truth, and the life (Jn 14:6). He also stated no one could come to the father except through this way, truth, and life. According to 1John 1, the word in the beginning is Jesus. It says in John 1:1-4, the way, truth, and life is the word of God. Jesus is with God (Rv 3:21), and it is only through Jesus, who is the way, truth, and life, people can go to the Father. Jesus himself becomes the way and the bridge which allows people to go to God. Without Jesus, there is no way, no truth, no life, and no bridge.
Paul said in Romans 8, "If anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." In addition to this word, it says in Revelation 3:20, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." These scriptures show who is the one whom the spirit of Christ is with. If Christ is with someone, that person will also know the way and the truth just like Christ. He becomes someone who is led by the Lord, and he becomes the word just like Jesus. People's superficial claims of believe is a part from the will of Christ. Those people are nothing but outsiders.
The difference of heaven and the world is enormous, and so is the difference between the sons of God and the daughters of the earth. Their very origins are different: the seed of heaven and the seed of the earth, the world. If someone who is born of the seed of heaven betrays, becomes part of the earth, and unites with the daughters of the earth, then he becomes the same as the earth, that is, mere flesh, just like Adam. The origins of the man of heaven and the man of the earth differ because of their seed. The one born of the earth loves the world; he will listen to the words of the world and follow the world. The one born of heaven, in contrast, loves heaven, which is the kingdom of heaven; he will listen to the words of heaven and follow heaven.
Jesus said in Matthew 23, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate." A hen receives the seed of the rooster, lays eggs, and gathers them. She incubates those eggs for 21 days and then hatches and protects them. She also makes sure her chicks follow her through her own voice, and protects them. She looks for food to feed her chicks and knows and recognizes each of her chicks' voices, and raises them. Chicks, too, recognize their mother hen's voice and follow her. If the mother hen is out of their sight, they look for her. The mother hen, who knows the voices of her chicks, quickly runs to her chicks when they call out to her. Chicks know their own mother, look for her, and only follow her. The mother hen protects her chicks, feeds and raises them. On a cold night, the mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings to protect them. The chicks go under the wings of their mother or sometimes they go up on the back of their mother. Jesus, just like a mother hen who lost her chicks, was trying to gather us several times, but people, who were worse than chicks, were not willing according to Jesus' word. Will people ever know that they are actually worse than chicks? 
God spoke with a grieving heart in Isaiah 1 when He said, "Hear, O heaven! Listen, O earth! I reared the children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. The ox knows his master, the donkey his owner's manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand." He continued, saying, "Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the LORD; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their back on him." God also had Jeremiah record the same story in the book of Lamentations. People sinned just as Adam had sinned. If people are captured by the spirit of the devil, their mentality change
According to what is recorded in Revelation 13, 17, and 18, the events of the Lord's second coming (today), the Spiritual Israelites betrayed the Lord and followed the pastors of the gentile spirits. In fact, it is all nations which have committed such actions. All nations fell by eating the fruit of the kingdom of demons, in other words, by drinking the wine of adulteries. All nations also married the devil. This shows how they have become one with the devil instead of being one with God. At a time like this, the messenger who speaks on behalf, the one sent by the Lord, comes to the place where the people are held in captivity. He delivers the people and calls them out of this place, harvesting them like a thief. This is the work of salvation, which leads people from death to life at the time of the second coming. Aren’t all the pastors of the nations today persecuting the messenger who speaks on behalf, going against him with every possible means at their disposal, just like at the time of the first coming? Despite such work of persecution, one person overcomes, and the Lord, who is the way, truth, and life, is with the one who overcomes. Because the Lord is with him, the one who overcomes is able to fulfill the New Testament and establish the 12 tribes, the new kingdom of God, and he is also able to judge Babylon, the kingdom of the devil.
Up to this point, the actions of betrayal which occurred in the times of the Old and New Testaments, and in the times of the first and the second comings, have been examined.
How can those who have become one with the devil recognize God and the one sent by God? Only those who receive the revelation (i.e. the revealed word) will be able to recognize them. God said in John 10, "His sheep follow him (the pastor) because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." Depending on who people are born from, they are destined to follow the masters who gave them birth. The one who knows Jesus' voice will open up his heart and accept it, but those who do not know his voice, the ones who belong to a stranger, will not follow Jesus' voice. Today the one born of God's seed will listen and follow the voice of Jesus, the voice of the holy spirit of truth. The word of the New Testament, the Bible, is the voice of Jesus.
Men's words come out of the denominations which were founded and named by men. The temple of heaven, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, on the other hand, was created and named by heaven itself. God dwells in this temple, and His word of life comes out of it. That which is created according to the word of the Bible (the promise) is an object of heaven, just like the tabernacle created in Moses' time. All things, except for the tabernacle previously mentioned, the pastors of the world created and named after their own will are nothing but the things of the world.
Where can God’s kingdom be found and which of these people is is God's people?
Let us attain salvation by believing in the God of truth, and let us become the citizens of heaven.
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[SCJ Quote] Gift of the Word

" The greatest gift God gives is the gift of his Word."
Man Hee Lee
Please visit the site for more SCJ Quotes.
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The Words to be testified throughout the history of God’s Work and Their fulfilled Realities



The Words to be testified
throughout the history of God’s Work
and Their fulfilled Realities
1. Testimony of Noah's world
After Adam, what did the chosen people of Noah's generation testify? Those who came out of the ark testified and passed down the testimony of how they had been saved in the ark, when the world of Adam which died of their sin and Adam's world was destroyed by the great flood (Gn 6-8).
2. Testimony of Moses’ world
The world of Moses, which God promised to Abraham (Gn 15) later and fulfilled, that is, Israel, would testify how they had exited Egypt (Ex 12) and conquered Noah's world Canaan. Theirs would be the testimony of the Law which God gave them (Ex 33 ~ 34; Jn 1:17).
3. Testimony of the spiritual Israel
What God had prophesized to the prophets of the Old Testament was fulfilled by God coming to Jesus (Lk 24:44; Jn 19:30). What the spiritual Israel that is Jesus' family (disciples) testified was a fulfilled reality of the Old Testament. Right now all the pastors and saints of the global village testify about what Jesus fulfilled from the Old Testament. However they can not testify what Jesus promised in the New Testament. The reason is because he prophesized in parables (Mt 13:34-35). Prophesizing in parables is hiding from the enemy of God's secrets which are to be fulfilled (Mt 13:10-15; Mk 4:10-12).

4. Testimony of Spiritual New Israel
The prophecies of the New Testament are fulfilled by Jesus who promised them. The prophecy to be fulfilled is the book of Revelation. The one who comes in the name of Jesus is the advocate, the teacher, the holy spirit (Mt 23:39; Jn 14:26, 15:26, 16:13). This Counselor, the holy spirit becomes one with the one who overcomes and fulfills Revelation (Rv 19:10, Rv 10). When the promises in the New Testament are fulfilled, the fulfilled realities become the eternal gospel (Rv 10:7, 14:6). What has been fulfilled in the New Testament is God's kingdom and priests which are the 12 tribes (Rv 1:5-6, 5:9-10, Rv 7, 14:1-5). Just as spiritual Israel testified about the work of Noah, Moses and Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament, the New Testament’s promised nation – the nation of heaven’s people, the 12 tribes which is New Spiritual Israel - will testify to the establishment of God's kingdom. This is he testimony regarding the fulfillment of the New Testament. testimony. Other than the people of the 12 tribes, there will not be any pastor that testifies about the new nation, being fulfilled in the New Testament.
5. Shinchonji Church of Jesus that testifies what is witnessed as reality
Fulfilling the New Testament's promises and prophecies, Shinchonji church of Jesus (Shinchonji) does not deny what was fulfilled in the time of Noah, Moses, and Jesus’ first coming. However, Jesus too said in his first coming that when the Old Testament is fulfilled the prophets, laws, and prophecies will come to an end (Mt 11:13; Lk 16:16). Likewise, when the New Testament is fulfilled, the churches, pastors, and the prophecies of the New Testament come to an end as well (refer to Mt 24:29; Rv 6). We, Shinchonji the 12 tribes, testify what the pastors of this era have not seen, which are the prophecies in the New Testament and the realities of the fulfillment as promised.
In order to obtain salvation, the believers who live in time of the fulfillment of the New Testament need to have faith in what is fulfilled in the New Testament and not just what was fulfilled in Jesus' first coming. Having faith and testifying the fulfillment of the Old Testament is needed until the fulfillment of the New Testament arrives.
We - as Shinchonji - see and testify the meaning of figurative prophecies in the New Testament and also the fulfillment of these prophecies.
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[Shincheonji] Appointed Task and Purpose

Appointed Task and Purpose
Main reference: Rv 21:6 (Jn19:30)
What is the appointed task and purpose of God and Satan? What are the grounds of duty and purpose for the pastors of God verses the pastors of Satan?
God’s mission is to fulfill his promise. The purpose is to establish God’s holy kingdom and nation and dwell there forever. However, Satan’s duty and purpose is to deceive, trick, and steal the world in an attempt to keep humankind as his own.
The appointed task given to God’s pastor on this earth is to keep God’s promise and to fulfill God’s will on this earth as it is in heaven. The purpose God desires is for the saints and believers to enter and live together in the eternal kingdom (God’s) of heaven. For this reason, he (God’s pastor) must contemplate on the promise words of God and endeavor to abide in them. On the other hand, the duty and purpose of Satan’s pastors are to hinder God’s pastor from accomplishing his appointed task. Satan attempts to protect and keep the world from being taken away from him.
Religion is not an education or knowledge of the world; rather, religion is teachings from heaven. (Jn 6:45). Since heaven is higher than the earth, the knowledge of heaven is higher than the knowledge of the earth.
Jesus said “it is written in the prophets: They will all be taught by God. Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me” (Jn 6:45). This is religion. On behalf of God, Paul relays “God did this so they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being ……. Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill” (Acts17:27-31).
 Religious people believe God, because their there is a hopeful goal and purpose in their faith. If such is the case for believers of God, I would like to question them on how much they know about God and his scriptures.
Did they master the Bible? Did they see, hear, and learn from God? And are they offspring of God? Are they judging the Bible with their personal feelings and thoughts by saying “this is this” or “that is that”? God is the only one who truly knows if people are pretentious and wandering in darkness by not knowing the truth.
People must know the creator, God’s perspective and narrative. And they must understand the significance of the state of punishment the people undergo and of Satan’s authority and tyranny. If people don’t know the basics of God’s motif, then these people are not qualified to comment about God and religion. God created the heaven and earth and all creation. He made man and entrusted him over all things created. However, Satan tempted man, and, as a result, men became a part of Satan’s group. God lost all his creation and could no longer dwell with the human world. He worked for thousands of years to recover His world. However His work due to the sinful nature of people and their disbelief of the creator God’s word. The evidence of God’s work is the Bible, and the content of the bible is God’s means and promise.
What are the evidences in believing the true, divine, creator God and his words? There are a handful of records to this day starting from the origin of the progenitor of mankind (Adam: man). And within each generation, God fulfilled his promises, which is ample evidence. On this earth (especially in Asia), there are Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity. These three religions each have their own books (“classics”). However, all these religions share the same Creator. The religious leaders may be different, but God, who is one, is the same. Yet, do these religious leaders comprehend their own “classics” and believe it? No. They do not even know it themselves. Their belief of “Buddha, God” is based on their teachers’ beliefs. However, due to their lack of understanding amongst their own god and “classics” (books), they are incapable of going the straight path to a religious faith.
500 years ago before Jesus came, Buddha prophesied about the coming of Jesus and his marvelous words. Even Moses testified to Jesus arrival. Jesus testified about the advocate, the Holy Spirit, who would come in his name. (Jn 14:26) And with the Spirit of Truth, the advocate would come to guide and teach the word of truth (Jn 16:13). This is the prophecy about God’s angel, a promised pastor for each generation. Whoever does not follow the promise, they are using religion for one’s own business (Lk 20:9-15).
Do you think Buddha and his disciples went to the world of heaven? No. Whoever says ‘yes’ does not know about the book (“classics”) and speaks carelessly. Do you think past believers went to heaven? No. God worked to recover the original world (paradise) by saving sinful men through his pastors given at each generation for thousands of years, but the world has not been recovered.
Bulls and goats could not atone for sin (Heb 10:4). This means offerings according to the law does not lead to salvation (Heb 9:9-10). God prophesied through the prophets in the Old Testament and approximately 2,000 years ago, God fulfilled his promise through Jesus. The atonement for sin occurred when Jesus, the righteous one, shed his blood in place (of sinners). (Heb10: 1-14). The creation of a new generation and the new heavenly people were promised through Jesus when he sowed the seed of the gospel of heaven promised at the time of the harvest (Mt 13:24-30). Today, 2,000 years after sowing of the seed has passed, God and Jesus return to the field where the seeds were sown (Jesus’ church, the Christian world) to harvest the wheat-like saints born from the seed of God into heaven. There He establishes them (wheat-like saints) as His heavenly nation (people) (Rev14: 14-16). This is the testimony of the fulfillment of the New Covenant’s promise.
Before Jesus came on this earth, only the descendants of Abraham were considered people of God. These descendants who were born of the physical seed from the line of sinners(Adam).
However after Jesus, whoever was born (1Pe1:23) from the seed of God (word, Lk 8:11) was the children of God and had the privilege to enter into heaven (Jn 1:12-13). Just because one says “I am a Buddhist, I am a Christian, I am a good-believer, I know well” does not permit them into paradise or heaven. Only people born through the seed of God can enter into heaven. Just because one says “I was loyal, I believed in Jesus, I did good and righteous acts, I attended church without any absences, I gave a lot of offerings”, does not give them rights as an offspring of God (Acts17:29). Just as the seed of a man with a surname of “Kim” or “Park” gives birth to another “Kim” or “Park”, there is an offspring of God and an offspring of the flesh.    
If the offspring of the flesh are not reborn from seed of God, then they cannot be God’s offspring. Only the one born again from God’s seed can be a part of God’s family and enter into heaven to live with God forever.
People insist on their own religion. This is truly like (watching) a comedy. Even though they claim (their religion is) truth, their faith is only based on scriptures of the physical (world) which is not of (true) religion. If they are not born from the seed of God, then there is no benefit.
God’s enemy is Satan. Satan impedes the work of God. He has acted in this manner for 6,000 years. Today, people who are of Satan are trying to rid God’s pastor by making false accusations and personal insults. They form “internet cafes” (blogs) in hopes to curse and persecute God’s pastor. This is an act of Satan.
Our Shinchonji, Church of Jesus, Temple of Tabernacle of the Testimony (“Shinchonji”) promised pastor has seen and heard the fulfillment of Revelation which God and Jesus promised. He has received the book of Revelation from heaven, and the people of Shinchonji have mastered the Bible. The promised pastor has testified to them all.
Shinchonji suggested a debate on the rights and wrongs about the explanation of Bible for many years, but no one has responded. Also, in an open (word) seminar, I explained, “I am not here to judge, but to receive judgment” and for them to point out the flaws. However, there has been no response of “No, you are wrong”. The reason they persecute behind (my back) is only to avoid damages to their own churches, which is now a business due to the development of their own denomination. This proves they are believers.
Today, if people do not receive the testimony of Shinchonji (word of Revelation), then they will not know Bible. They will not believe in accordance with God’s will. They will not be born again and, needless to say, will not be able to enter heaven. The churches of the world have turned into a business. In order to be reborn and to enter into heaven, they must be the certified temple of truth, world of justice and righteousness in Shinchonji’s principles. Shinchonji opens its door and accepts anyone who is seeking the (true) religious path to allow them to be reborn.  
So, without any doubt, one should both listen and confirm‍ the scriptures. Whoever is born with the seed of the Devil (the spirit of the Devil) is scared (of the truth); therefore, they dislike going near (to the truth). If one listens to Shinchonji’s word of truth, then their scarlet-like sins will be washed away. And the evil seed will be uprooted, and the house of the evil one will be destroyed. Then, the seed of God will be re-planted, and the house (temple) of God will be built where God can dwell. For this purpose, the Advocate of Shinchonji has appeared for this purpose.
A person who comes, listens, and realizes (the truth) is one who is blessed, and he or she will obtain the eternal life of heaven.
For more information, please visit

[SCJ Quote] Love and Unity

It can unite people in purpose, culture and peace.
Ultimately it has the power to unite the whole world!
Man Hee Lee
For more information about love, peace, Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee,


Two Seed and the Harvest.

Two Seed and the Harvest

   The spiritual seed divided two seeds, God’s seed and Satan’s seed. Each seed represents the word of Spirit. Then, where is the place that each seed sows? And when is the time that these seeds sowed? And who is the one that sowed these seeds? What is the result after these seeds sowed?
- Jer 31:27 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will plant the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the offspring of men and of animals.
  God prophesied that there will be two seeds sowed (Jer 31:27). In this verse, the offspring of men means seed of God, and the offspring of animal means the seed of Satan. The place that these seeds planted is the house of Israel and Judah, the world of God’s chosen people. These promises fulfilled at the time of the First Coming. Jesus came to the world, and he sowed the word of God to the Israelites. Then, Jesus is the one who sowed the word of God, God’s seed, to the world. However, something happens after Jesus sowed the God’s seed.
  Let us check out the parables of heaven that Jesus told more detail.
- Mt 13:24-30 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed food seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.”
  “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’”
“ ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At the time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.
   Jesus sowed the seed to his field, the world of Christianity. After Son of Man sowed the GOOD SEED, the enemy sowed the weeds. Then, who is the enemy? Satan is the enemy. Satan sowed Satan’s seed, his own laws and doctrines to Jesus’ field. Therefore, the prophecy that God told to us was fulfilled at the First Coming.

- Mt 13:37-43 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
“As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the age. The Son of Man will send out his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
In the parable, the owner’s servants noticed that the weeds sowed in their owner’s field. They asked to the owners to pull the weeds up. However, the owner just let the weeds leave in the field until the time of harvest. Then, when is the time of the harvest? The time of the harvest is the end of age. It does not mean the end of the world. What is the world to Jesus? It is the world of Jesus, therefore; the harvest starts at the end time of Jesus’ world.
What is the result after these two seeds sowed? Good Seed became the wheat, and the weeds are the sons of evil one. The wheat will be brought into the owner’s barn, Jesus’ barn. However; the weed will be thrown into the fiery furnace. It just merely small difference of seed, but the result is so tremendous. Therefore, bearing with God’s seed is so important to the believers. Because not all believers can go to the heaven, those who are born with the God’s seed only can enter the kingdom of heaven.
  Jer 31:27 (Prophecy)
Seed of men
Seed of animals
Mt 13:24-25(fulfilled)
Good Seed
Mt 13:37-39
God’s word(truth)
Satan’s word(lies)
Sons of kngdom of heaven
Sons of evil one
Children of God
Children of devil(Jn8:44)
Secret of kingdom of heaven = SEED
Believers who want to enter the kingdom of heaven should be born with the God’s seed and be brought into the barn. Then, where is the barn that we should go at the time of the harvest. We can check it more specifically at the book of the Revelation written about the time of the end and the prophecies in the New Testament. At the Chapter 14 in the Revelation, there is a Mount Zion that those who offered as firstfruits of God and the lamb gathered. Also, this firstfuits are born with the word of truth, God’s seed (Jas 1:18). Therefore, people who gathered in Mount Zion are born with the God’s seed, the word of truth, and Mount Zion is the right place that God, Jesus and the spiritual thorn in the heaven are dwell in.
Believers who follow the word of Jesus and wish to go to the kingdom of heaven should understand the realities of these two seeds and should be the children of God that are born with the God’s seed so that they can be harvested to the barn at the time of the harvest, the end of the era.
This article is from http://scjpress.blogspot.com

The Logic of Creation and Re-creation in the Old and the New Testaments.

The Logic of Creation and Re-creation
in the Old and the New Testaments
Main reference: Rv 21:1
● The logical order of the creation and re-creation in the Old Testament
God appointed Noah and destroyed the world of Adam when Adam's world
    became corrupt.
God appointed the Israelites and destroyed the world of Noah when Noah's
    world became corrupt.
God appointed Jesus when the Physical Israelites became corrupt.
He brought the corrupt Physical Israelites to an end and established the
    Spiritual Israelites.
This is the logic of creation and re-creation.
The following is the logical order of creation and re-creation:
1. God selects a pastor.
2. God creates a kingdom (nation) through that pastor.
3. God establishes a covenant with the created chosen people.
4. The chosen people who made a covenant betray.
5. God selects a new pastor.
6. God judges the previous chosen people who betrayed through the new pastor.
7. God gives salvation to the people.
8. God creates a new kingdom (nation) through the chosen people who were
9. God establishes a new covenant with the new chosen people who were created.
This process has repeatedly taken place from the time of the fall of Adam, up until the present day. God has been constructing a new kingdom and putting an end to the previous world because the formerly created kingdom becomes crooked and corrupt. Whenever the previous and first heaven deteriorates, God promised (prophesied) through the prophets He would create a new era. It was at the time when this promise was proclaimed to the whole nation God brought the first heaven to an end and conducted His work of the creation of a new era.
Having started off with the Psalms, Isaiah, all the way to Malachi, God spoke prophecies (promises) when the Physical Israelites did not keep the covenant (Ex 19:5-6) and became sullied. In other words, God preached for approximately 600 to 700 years how He would overthrow the sinful Israelites and create a new kingdom and a new people. Once this prophecy was proclaimed to the whole nation, God fulfilled his promise.
The prophets in the Old Testament were the pastors of prophecy. They wrote what they saw and heard into each of the books, such as the 66 chapters of Isaiah and the 52 chapters of Jeremiah. The prophecies from these prophets came to pass through the pastor who was promised before things happened.
What circumstances were the chosen people in when the prophets were prophesying? The following relates to how the content of the prophecies begins. Isaiah saw the vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem roughly 2,700 years ago, and he wrote it into the 66 chapters. The prophecies began with how the chosen people, Judah and Jerusalem, were held in captivity by the gentiles, Babylon, due to their betrayal and corruption. In addition to Isaiah, Jeremiah wrote prophecies about 2,600 years ago and began to write the prophecies with the fact Jerusalem was enslaved by the gentiles for the same reason. The book of Ezekiel also started with the prophecy regarding the Israelites being under the gentiles because of their rebellion and degeneration approximately 2,600 years ago. The prophecy of Daniel began with the same story of how Jerusalem was enslaved by the gentiles, Babylon, for exactly the same reason about 2,500 years ago. The prophecies of the Old Testament prophets were written after the chosen people, the Israelites, became the slaves of the gentiles because of their corruption.
Even after being chosen and making a covenant with God, the chosen people betrayed him and became sullied. For this reason, they were conquered and under the possession of the gentiles. At a time like this, when God's kingdom and people did not exist, God selected a new pastor in order to create His kingdom and people again. Through this newly selected pastor, God began the judgment of the chosen people who sinned, and the destroyers.
God came to the promised pastor and fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets (Jn 19:30). Who betrayed and who were destroyed at that time? The era which came to an end was the era of the chosen people who betrayed. As the judgment started, the previous era was put to an end, and re-creation began.
● The logical order of the creation and the re-creation in the New Testament
After the era of the Old Testament came to an end, the new era created was Spiritual Israel which originated from Jesus. Spiritual Israel, however, also comes to an end in accordance with the New Testament prophecies. Matthew 24:14 states, "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." This word is concerning the Spiritual Israelites. Just like the Physical Israelites, the Spiritual Israelites will also be brought to an end. This is the New Testament, the prophecy, and the end.
At the time of the New Testament's fulfillment, the physical realities of the New Testament Revelation appear one by one, and the events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation occur. Those who believe in the word of God in the Bible will rejoice when seeing the physical fulfillment, and they will come to the place of salvation, among the work of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. These are the ones who truly believe.
Whenever the prophets in the Old and the New Testaments recorded what they saw and heard, they first made known how the chosen people were held captive by the gentiles (i.e., Babylon) and how the word of God (the prophecy) was indeed written for this reason.
The scriptures explain today will be just like the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30). It indicates how the same events which took place at the time will take place today. All the prophecies will surely come to pass just as they were recorded. False pastors proclaim they have already received salvation and the holy spirit. They say they are the true orthodoxy even before the New Testament prophecies are fulfilled. Such words are all lies made up by the false pastors. Just as recorded in Matthew 24, first the temple is thrown down by the enemy. The sun, moon, and stars go dark and fall. The abomination that causes desolation stands in the holy place. When these events occur, the chosen people of the tabernacle of heaven receive the mark from the pastors of Babylon and worship them (Rv 13). Furthermore, all nations fall because of the maddening wine of adulteries given from the pastors of Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18. After this event, the selection of the new pastor and the events of salvation and judgment take place. God's new kingdom (the new heaven and new earth) is also created (Rv 21:1).

Since the Bible is fulfilled without being added to and/or subtracted from, the saints must believe according to the Bible. While all nations have fallen and become Babylon, while they have been marrying to the devil (Rv 18), believers claim they have attained salvation and the holy spirit, and that they are the true orthodoxy. They speak in this way because their mentality has been tainted by the mentality of Babylon. Just like the testimony of Paul (2 Thes 2:1-4), believers must believe the work of salvation will not proceed, until the betrayal of the chosen people and the destruction of the chosen people by the gentiles, the destroyers, takes place.
The pastors who lie always tell lies, but the pastor who speaks on behalf always speaks the truth according to what he has seen and heard, just like it says in the aforementioned article.
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